Wednesday, June 2, 2021

She is gone

If I were to reminisce with my happiness
I'd have to choose my time with her
But since my life's joy went away
I can only know this abject sadness
For the time when she was here
Was way too short
And I am broken
In the time I've sorrowed her passing
Has endured
Gone on so long
She moved my heart
She made me whole
And that love remains everlasting
I have nothing to stay for
She meant for me to be strong
But instead I am weak
She made me know what was right
And I've learned life is so wrong
Like a movie with perfect casting
I could've been her leading man
For the rest of my life's song
But she was taken
And now I have to understand what life means
When the one who gives you reason to believe
Has passed into the gray lands without you