Sunday, June 27, 2021

Staring into the Past

Some people choose to believe that the human species is still young
They suggest that it has existed for less than 10,000 years of time
Their theory measures only what evidence it sees, and progress
But there's more evidence to suggest we've been around longer
With interruptions and setbacks coming from nature and the sun
Our actions can be unwise, our acts leave our hope denied
Solar flares and magnetic pole changes, steal human success
Often we can't see beyond the local, cheating our minds of wonder
For the evidence exists, all over the globe, we are an ancient people
We are the children of fortune and disorder, survivors of disaster
And the catastrophes that happen will go on, but we will survive
Destiny is ours to guide, we'll survive however long this lasts
Humans have the chance to escape, and to seek every answer
We have minds as well as emotions, we are ready, we wait
The answers of our questions will lead our species forward
Progress and a future demand we endure the circumstance
For we have our own children, who have their own fate
We  must not and cannot condemn them by our hand
Or we will have devoured them and their chances