Saturday, June 5, 2021

Cowards, Wildmen and the Wall

I pulled sentry duty upon Hadrian's wall, in its least defensible point
One where the Picts and their allies can flood the defender's reach
We've little help, our allies are fearful, and view the Pict with awe
While the Picts cross over the wall's top, leaving no living defenders
The watchman's task in other areas of this wall are no less grim
You can hear them approaching, and in midst of battle they rejoice
They seem to love the violence, they've no strategy or goal to seek
Just place a Roman upon a wall, and you immediately hear them call
Some of our number are warriors, most are cowards who'll surrender
Soldiers who cringe at the idea of great destruction that we'll taste
To pace about there, anxiously, atop Hadrian's sturdy walls, waiting
Watching, while preparing for the impending inexorable human flood
Knowing each man on your right and left will be thinking, hesitating
They will run, surrender, or fight, leaving the wall covered in blood
Duty bound, honorable, or being dishonorable and no sense of duty
The wall is ignorant of any defender's traits, it just stands, and waits
And there will be a day, perhaps tomorrow, or perhaps another day
When Romans will be removed from this island, and wars we wage
But it won't be today, so long as I am awake