Sunday, June 20, 2021

The Spacefarer Race

There have been scientific studies upon humans, revealing new information
When isolated from natural light over time, human sleep habits are an oddity
They've a natural sleep schedule that is different than one we follow now
Our time sleeping and waking in isolation, away from the natural phases
Shows it doesn't match the hours of light or even darkness found in night
Are we alien to the planet earth, has the planet changed the speed of rotation?
Is the human species home to earth or were we assembled for a purpose
Traveled here from far away, or are we sleeping and existence is a dream?
If we're alien, how'd we get here, were we manufactured to work and breed?
Was the Garden of Eden a laboratory? Noah's Ark a spacefaring machine?
Or is the problem that I am being far too literal, and I'm ignoring the truth?
Being purposely literal for the sake of creating an exciting book to read?