Saturday, June 12, 2021

Running Blind

Running blind
Blinded by fear
Blinded by lust
Blinded by greed
Running from the disaster
As fast as a human legs can run
The species collectively falls
Upon their knees and bow
Cascading into the abyss
None see the catastrophe
Upon the horizon rising
Before an impending crash
Where all will die if they do not flee
Or they will face final extinction
We are a species without dreams
As we've given up, given in
Turned off our life's decisions
Turning over our lives to machines
We are blinded by our treasures
As entropy swallows us all
We wait for redemption but are lazy
We choose ignorance
All the while we pursue pleasure
And we're at luxury's beck and call
Refusing to save our selves
Watching as a species dies
For the refusal to try to survive