Sunday, March 5, 2017

Ecstasy's Kiss

In my sleep I dreamt
A heavenly place
Echoing in jasmine scent
Beautiful mercy
Sublime grace
In the mid morning
Exhausted from the labors
Of the day before
I open my eyes
Gazing upon this world
Looking around
I play demure
As I see
Last night's footprints
And in the shadows
My fire within
Alone walking
Beneath the moon's shine
All alone beneath midnight sky
I fell to sleep in a trance
In the tall grass meadows
I woke hours laters
Laying with a beautiful person
A fae
Nearly naked
But innocent
So precious and perfect
I felt no shame
The world comes alive
When lovers entwine
Engaged in embrace
Where can I go now
That I've tasted this
How can I live
After ecstasy's kiss