Sunday, January 20, 2019

Final Battle

Our unit was composed of riflemen and tanks
The tank we were given for use were the Stalin
We'd lost half of a million men in the last 3 months
Liberating neighbors from the Fascist menace
Above the Sturmovik flew, crows circling a kill

Despite our sacrifices we received no thanks
Not for the living still fighting, nor the many fallen
About to crash directly into the enemy front
After a lifetime of war, this final battle was endless
For the living, dreams of victory would be fulfilled

For the vast numbers of people who were innocent
They'd not wanted war, nor supported it
Their lives too were chewed apart, and swallowed
The dead would never be buried, just ignored

From the shadows the few watched Red vengeance
The world now became covered in blood and shit
This was not sacred ground, nor hallowed
All flowed into a confluence, metal, dirt, flesh and gore

Images copyright to