Thursday, September 29, 2016

Pass in time

Above the canopy of green
The shifting sands of the desert
The pure blue gem of oceans
High above the world
This blue green orb beckons
Alluring and beautiful
It is more than simple carbon
More than an accident of cosmic enormity
Vast oceans, and vivid land forms
Continents filled with fauna
Rivers and gardens full of life
But look closer
At the human garden
Sin and hatred are legion
Humans are unsubtle
Fighting over land
Should the violence pause
Both peoples might share
Rival emotions and religion going to war
To prove their religion is one of peace

What is there to see
To prove our existence worthy
Of the pains of birth that follow
The great accomplishments
Like the Wall of China
Or the Pyramids of Egypt
Could be seen as proof
The construction of each
Requiring higher levels of thought
In the end what are they worth

How do we measure the levels of reason
When we witness the human raison d'etre 
Finding food, procreation, finding shelter,
And little else occupies human lives
Where is the evidence
If not that great architecture
What could be a beacon
To generations beyond
Perhaps not destroying our world
Perhaps finding a reason to not fight
When otherwise the violence would strike
Perhaps we are not capable to do anything great
And our bursts of greatness
Will pass in time
Or maybe
Our worth can be seen in how we live
What we do to make the world better
Who we love

How deeply we love
And how generous we are
With the resources we have