Tuesday, August 13, 2024

When Legion 9 Disappeared

Image was sent to me, as such I don't know if ©
protected,let me know and I'll pull it

They'd fought with fervor, amongst the finest in the Legion 
In Britannia they guarded Hadrian's wall, a guardian's purpose
Not just to fight, giving time for civilians to escape the flood
Then they were sent to Gaul, then into fire zones, for Rome
Worn from such use, attrition, did they chase barbarians away
Did they simply run out of food, equipment vitality, or hope
Didn't the Emperor know how much those lives it would cost?
Where did they end up, in wars of empire, or without the fire
Some people speak of aliens, others being lost in a underworld
I've no idea what, but the fact is that a very great unit was lost
Lives, equipment, civilian workers, families, and many more
To be famous and lost, leads one to wonder frightening reality
What might've happened, to remove from sight, artifacts
Of a Legion that was trusted, believed in, veterans, and able
If we're not meant to know, every effort will be in vain
But the mystery is so tempting, it must be addressed