Sunday, August 25, 2024

A Confused Knight, still noble

In the woods of the land, magic creatures abounded
Dragons and giants, dark beings and hell's hounds
But to become a knight, in the eyes of the kingdom
One must go upon a hunt in the forest dark and evil
With preparation and prayer, a squire took his oath
And rode upon his chestnut horse to the forest edge
Dismounting, he took a sword, shield and light pack
Knowing that his quest would be one truly dangerous
He walked until the thick trees made it dark as night
Listening for any sound, prepared for any challenge
He was cold, shivering, scared, but truly prepared
For he couldn't be a knight, if he couldn't succeed
A knight must swear an oath and make it fulfilled
In the morning he saw light, sitting across from him
A great drake, with scales of black edges, and teeth
Smiled at him and said, did you dream of anything
The knight nearly soiled himself, afraid and shocked
But said no, I did not sleep, the drake laughed well
Saying you've been in a magic sleep for many days
What you imagined were dreams, and I watched it
The knight said Why, why did you not slay me then
The Drake said, not all creatures in darkness are evil
Some of us are curious, others bright, or even kind
The knight was confused, what knight wouldn't be
He thought to pull his sword to achieve his quest
And the Drake rose to 12 feet upon his haunches
Said, you are imagining again, and truly I say
You could never win this battle, for I was sent
To keep you from harm, you have greater treks
You have important deeds to accomplish, later
But why the Knight thought, why was I sent
The Drake began to fly off, but said before he did
Test your honesty, test your heart if its good
The knight sheepishly asked, was I, is it good?
The Drake said, it depends upon what you say
To the Queen who waits in the castle, to see
Your answer will tell her all she needs to know
He returned home, told the others how he failed
And said I do not deserve to be a knight at all
The Queen smiled, saying I prefer men honest
They'll act properly when the true tests occur
I killed nothing the Knight said, she still smiled
I prefer my knights to know when it is right
Give your life, save your land, defend others
Those are what a knight is to be, a defender
The Knight still didn't truly understand
And tried to offer back his sword
The Queen said, you are young and naive
Perhaps you are confused
The world sees a knight as a killer
One who fights for the glory of it
I want those who serve to know why
And give to others, as often as fight
To fight for the rights of others
To live as he would have others live
To die as he would have others die
And she named him his knightly title
Sir Iskander the Curious