Saturday, August 24, 2024

Lost Honor

She said yes, so he bent his lance to her hand
Attaching her banner, he'd bear it in the joust
Not a fight, no, but a test of skill and courage
With her banner, the claim for queen and land
From every other king's knights came shouts
The queen's finest knight was of great worth
The banner symbolized, a loyalty and honor
But the other knights feared him, and refused
As a winner by default, was not a test of arms
He'd returned her banner, she was not amused
For the fear in others, took away great charm
Of having her banner borne by a great knight
The greatest ever, one from kingdoms distant
Who came to honor her, defend, and to fight
But she was queen, and could command
So she took the "honor" of the fearful knights
And sent them upon an impossible quest
A test of honor, a quest for them impossible
As she kept her own knight to herself
For he had been ready for the test
And had passed it, and wanted more