Monday, August 26, 2024

Across the Sea, A Knight Came

On he'd walked his steed over the rough road, leading to Camelot
His banner draped over shoulder, symbol painted upon the shield
He'd heard tales of this kingdom, once a stronghold for Romans
Now they'd gone, it was built greater, held by a trained war king
He went by many names, as did the knight leading his war horse
Lancelot du Lac, from the lush fields of France, maybe a Bretagne
Legend preceded him, men feared his abilities, as well as envied
He would be the inheritor of a legacy, that showed his abilities
As well as his flaws, not of skills or mind, but a heart's yearning
Could he redeem his flaws, to give his warrior's heart burning
Only in the final battle, could anyone say, had he paid his debt