Monday, August 5, 2024

To Harvest from Failed Crops

I was once told by a potential employer
Your IQ is far too high to be useful here
I don't have a high IQ, if you were asking
He made no sense to me, empty headed
He said you have to be entertained easily
I'll admit, on that, he had dead center aim
George Carlin said the very same thing
Keep our children smart enough to work
Never smart enough to think for our self
Should we lower the standards, for them
So none are left behind, left on the shelf
I walked out of the interview and I knew
I am no genius, but they don't want them
They don't even want people near that
They want zombies, working for brains
They need wage slaves, ignoring the pain
I refuse to do this, but understand why
The owners have all the advantages
We just have to work until we die