Friday, February 11, 2022

The Future Cannot be built upon Lies of the Past and Present

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and
obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
                                                                 George Orwell

Whatever our dreams or beliefs, whatever the situation
The past is gone and the future remains undiscovered
We've reason and right to know the world beyond our own
Presented before us is a false offering, a false history
Which leads us to a wicked kind of mental starvation
We're fed upon lies leading to a future we'll never find
Unable to swim against the weight of lies we fall
Because when the past is a lie, the future is impossible
The enemy leads us by acting as the high morality
The world remains beautiful, but it might be lost
The rulers offer a governance, but it is stagnation
We need more to existence but liberty has a cost
We cannot live without oxygen, freedom is oxygen