Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Language of Love

There were two
Trying to speak together
Speaking a sort of language
While empty of true emotion
Romantic but meaningless
Couldn't express themselves
By speaking their thoughts
They only wanted to hear
The words of the other
Yet in the background
Of their soul and mind
Came the sound of love
Sounding to be sung
By angels surrounding them
It was inaudible
Heard only by their hearts
It appeared to come from above
They loved but were confused
How to act properly
How to evoke their depths
Without resorting to a cliche
One of love
That we fantasize about
Filled with fear inside
Filled inside with doubt
Learn instead to listen
To the language that is true
Than speaking words
That sound right
That reveal nothing about you

“He stepped down, trying not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking.” Leo Tolstoy