Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Terminus Oh Terminus

I know how life works
You are born You live You die
I know this
Even though sometimes
Things aren't fair

The moment life begins
The end is begun
Life has a cost
But even knowing this
I grieve her loss as her child
I am broken now still

I am a parentless son
I long to hear her voice again
I won't since she is gone
I grieve her still
And I always will

My memories aren't enough
Since she's passed
My heart remains undone
She has gone to a place
I cannot reach

I won't know where that is
Until I am joined with her
It is a razor's edge I am upon in this life
Choosing to live over letting myself die
Denying myself the easy transit

To the terminus station
I long for that passage
But I can only sorrow her now
I will be here to finish my tour
Remaining until the end
With nowhere to run

When God is ready 
I will be found
Sleeping permanently 
 Under a pale moon in Autumn
When my time is come
My flesh condemned
In the coldest broken ground