Monday, August 23, 2010

Doesn't Matter

It doesn’t matter that you hurt me
You know that you abused me
Doesn’t matter that you don’t love me
Or that you lied
Don’t matter that you used me
I am glad that you refused me
It felt good when you said goodbye
Because I loved and longed for
Found what it felt like to be in love
Had my heart ripped out and
Thrown upon the ground
It doesn’t matter that you did this
Doesn’t matter what you do
Because I learned my lesson
That I can rise up from being down
That some people can’t be true
I know it isn’t everyone, just you
I know that you were wrong
But it really doesn’t help me now
I am still bleeding inside
But I am not crying, it won’t take me long
To stand up again but for now
I will lay here and sleep
I won’t deign to bow before a person like you
Not even in my dreams