Friday, November 9, 2018

Parentless and Faithless

Spill the finest vintage once again
After centuries we've never learned
Our mental illness is in control
Our desolate hearts choose to remain
Where the crops of youth are burned
We cast out the beautiful souls
Our desire is to kill
And become emperors
And fools
Beware of our murderous will
Nations of opportunist adventurers
We are without excuse
Let the wine pour out
We've consumed our own children
There is only damnation
Our brightest lights blacked out
Choosing burlap over threads silken
The funeral pyres serve as cremation
We've doomed our youngest
We've consumed our future grains
How dare we assume our greatness
The fear should be abundant
Our acts insult our mother's labor's pain
This generation is parentless
Since to our children we are faithless