Saturday, September 7, 2024

This Life isn't Heaven

When I was young, unable and unwise
Still couldn't tie my shoes, cried easily
My brother taught me, he took his time
And he protected me from abuse
First school fight's foe, become a friend
He'd bloody knuckles, some blood mine
Life isn't easy for anyone, but we mend
He was abused, a parent used his flesh
As an ashtray, and whipped him daily
We don't get to choose who God uses
Teaching us how hard all others work
To do things some find easy, I find hard
I stumble and fall, my failures my call
We lose track, of all messages to send
Learn to love those who are wounded
My tears come for all who rise but fall
Life isn't for winning, it is for learning
It is for lessons about loyalty, and love
My friend died years ago and I miss him
He was helmet-less, riding a motorcycle
Going too fast, but he earned that right
His life was hard, and he wanted to fly
I learned over time, you get this one try
Then the cosmos take over, so transcend
And overcome, rise to reach the heavens