Friday, September 13, 2024

One moment frozen in time

She could've ripped my heart out, blamed me for not having empathy
The trail of my blood being even longer than that of my streaming tears
I loved her from first glance, she made it seem like it was a first dance
I trembled as she touched me, I touched her softly, sweetly, genuinely
When it was over she'd not let go, I took in my first breath, I went slow
In this world its one first time as you experience bliss, you grow
The final time you do, lose your memory of it, a craved delicacy
My first passionate moment, if you don't count sentiment or nostalgic
As time passed, so did my chance, to tell her how much I felt
My life turning to dust, and trying to hold upon that glory
Not lust, but grace, nothing dirty, but pure and divine
Alone for decades, now I found one to be mine
  Alex Ness 2024©