Monday, September 30, 2024

Pointless debates

This world spins, upon an even and eternal axis
It's responsible for the varieties of phenomenon
Earth's moon is important and underappreciated
For tides and her cycles, give to Earth's rhythm
Humans have cursed this planet in indifference
We've no idea how great of fools we've become
So remember, we didn't create our home, at all
No, we inherited it, from the beginning of life
And the lack of a planet destroyed by impact
To debate origin of humans, ignores context
We had nothing to do with the rise of man
The world existed, we didn't help to do so
But we certainly did lead to her abuses

Sunday, September 29, 2024

running from the incoming strike

it is sliding through space with no time to lose
the sky above earth will be a filled cloak of fire
once the meteor strikes near the earth atmosphere
there will be no time to flee, only the time to die
so we must try our only way, or our earth is a pyre
the missiles launched to save us rather than to kill
and many panic, but truly how often do we practice
for a world killer collision with a planetary strike
should you even bother trying to save your self

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Why bother living? When the joy is already gone.

I can't see myself in the mirror
Do I even exist, was I ever born?
I'm not the one who knows my own path
I'll rarely know what I want to do
I wither in fear, indecision of life
My spirit is poor
My flaws, fears, end come to wrath
Why should I be so very afraid
When we're all are born equal
Do we each have one task
Or were all of us meant to have full lives
Not crippled by fear, just abundant dreams
I've had decades where all I wanted to do
Is sleep, without dreams, just silence
I lived with no ideas or imagination
No desire to do,
Much less have the courage to ask

Friday, September 27, 2024


You imagine yourself normal,
But you know deep inside
Compared to others, you ain't
When you count many as a friend
Just to be polite instead of friendly
It occurs to you, in your mind
To most you're not one of them
You are just a stain
It isn't the definitions you use for normality
It isn't the worth of your being that is judged
A world's values change, in every generation
A world needs change, often more swiftly
There is a strange need for each change
To find people to isolate
For others to blame
To consider an outsider
To treat non conformists
As if they need an asylum
Well damn it
I deserve that asylum
Gimme those padded walls
I'll bounce around
Maybe even poop the sheets
And go down in strapped chairs
As they wheel me down the halls
But it isn't me, it is the need to change
If for no other reason, for the sake of it
So we might as well start those straps
Gimme my mask and let's roll

Thursday, September 26, 2024

As every Shofar blew

Jericho was a fortress, well built, nearly impregnable  
A city stood in the path of Israel's army and Yahweh
Enemy after enemy had been turned away, powerfully
An angel of God was sent to tell Joshua a battle plan
Sent as a being created by Yahweh, to serve a human
Beings of free will are superior those created to labor
Plans and explanations were given to take this land
It was to circle the city and great walls, for six days
And upon the 7th day, with the Israelites screaming
Shofars blew, walls fell, the people of Jericho died
And despite evidence, it is called a story, not fact
But remember, it does not matter how many believe
God's power does not require it to have followers
The power of God exists, and exists in every way
With or without believers, truth is truth, regardless

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

To Survive in the Heat, To Freeze in the Cold

I am not a skeptic, but I've done research
Yes, Global Warming is a real phenomena
It is also something that is not fully known
The impact might well be from human acts
Or perhaps from a cycle we've not yet seen
Because if the earth is billions years old
There are many cycles we've never seen
Due to distance between years and eras
For us to assume otherwise is foolish
We live upon a beautiful planet, true
Remember, there's more to consider
People will die in a global warming
But if earth works in timed phases
Ice Ages might be around the bend
An one truth known and should be
Ice Ages will surely kill more of us
Than from Global Warming tangents
Sure, Florida might be swallowed up
But with temperatures of -40F likely
No matter where, or who, or when
Our world will adjust, reboot, start over
And Ice Ages kill far easier, and longer
I am not, by the way, hoping for this
I've simply taken courses, and learned
When you mess with nature it changes
But if it changes back, does it restore
All of the previous normal settings?
It is worth thinking about

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Blank, mind, body and soul

I am aware
The words that escape my mouth
Aren't always the ones I wish to come
I speak without thinking
I realize it isn't fair
To speak ill of others
As I live in the comfort of my father's house
I am not a finished work, my father isn't done
I've so much to fix and improve upon
Yet my spirit remains untamed
I have to find a better way
I have tame the wild in my soul
But I am not perfect
I am truly flawed
But I will bow before my creator
My father who designed my being
And I pray to be restored
I pray to keep the joy inside
And renewed indeed
For he is as perfect
As I am not
It is a matter of my soul
Not one of my mind
He has a plan
I live without a clue
I accidentally lie
His words are true

Monday, September 23, 2024

As we are taken down, it destroys more than the ship

Turning 17, I joined the USN and war to be like my brothers, but really I'm not
After the 2 torpedoes hit our ship, we'd less than 2 minutes to grab for anything
In shark and the Japanese Navy infested waters, we'd little to no chance to live
The only alternative to trying to escape was to die, let the waters pull you down
And drown as the pressure of ocean depths, and lack of oxygen suffocate you
My older brothers both made it home, and I won't, for certain I will not
For the moment, I knew my fate, began to appreciate my dying man's lot
I'd seen my brothers and mother last month, found hope the war would be over
So now as I sink with the ship, I believe, it won't be long before this fades
And all my countrymen, and all the Japanese servicemen will go home
I don't hate the Japanese, nor want to kill anyone, I want to be home
And no doubt, so have most who have died so far, and will hereafter
Cheers, I am about to lose conscious, cling to the reasons we are a country
Equality, abundance, free speech, and everything that unites us forever

Sunday, September 22, 2024

I won't be alone

Don't call me at my funeral, for I'll be in a pine box
If you call you'll see, my phone doesn't take messages
You could knock on my door, and yet, I won't answer
The end of all days is coming, and I am just too tired
I've spent my existence asking, but only found cancer
There's nothing that I wanted that I didn't really get
Life has taken a toll, and yet I'm still not giving up
The finale is glorious, as I transcend to a new home
Surrounded by all of my cats, my beloveds and more
There's no need to think, in the divine that I'll be alone
I'm not leaving any time soon, but it only takes a moment
It takes one drunk driver or one fool texting and driving
So just know, where I am going I'll find comfort
In the arms of the creator, in the throne of glory
And I'll be there, in the quiet gentle breeze forever

Saturday, September 21, 2024


(except works where my work was used but uncredited)


Technically my first book, but it was an anthology so mine was one of many. It was a fun book, but there was a small issue some had with it. The editorial work gathered all works in one lump, the scary, the philosophical and the action stories were all plopped on the same grouping, while many stories were fully different than the one that preceded it, and the one to follow. So to enjoy it, it is important to read whatever works one at a time, and enjoy each for what they are. Mine was never intended as a story, so much as a commentary about why modern humans see monsters in the darkness. The artist on the book Paul Harmon was brilliant, and most were struck by the work, but one overt libertarian said I was a self important stupid leftist telling everyone what to think. Twenty three other critics said mine was among the best of the bunch.  So make up your own mind.


Dimestore Productions put out this comic book anthology. I don't want to go into depth here, except to say, my work with Earl Gaier was good, as were the works of Josh Brown that I found within the pages.  This had a very small print, and I doubt there are any books anywhere  for anyone to find.  Good luck if you are searching.

Alex Ness Words, Jason Moser Art

In 2005 a very close friend and I had developed an idea for a war game. The concept was one where the Nazis had not died, but rather prepared for an escape, and did so. Then when ready, attacked the world. The game designer/artist friend died of Lung Cancer in 2009, but my story was written. A while later I shared it with Jason Moser, a very fine artist, and this project is the result of that connection. Perhaps some day the war game can still happen. I regret that I didn't proof my work as well as I could have, and Jason was great, but I was unclear and left too much to be clear about both what happened and if it indeed ended the way it seemed. The book looks beautiful, due to Jason alone.


I was asked if works I had written and others had illustrated could be  submitted to this collection.  And I was happy to see this book appear  under the hand of friend JM Hunter. I will probably not be carrying the book around, it has 400 + pages, but I am proud to be in it.  Even if I am not a comic book writer, it is fun to be in the same neighborhood as some of the people I like very much.


A Life of Ravens was a massive project that featured my words and the art of 27 different artists, including Mike Grell, Peter Bergting, Alex Sheikman, Rich Koslowski, Josh Howard, Paul Harmon, and Bob Giadrosich.  Bob Giadrosich did approximately 1/3 of the art, and published the work through his Sharayah Press imprint. It is a lovely work, and one that I am proud of.  It is rare at this time. It is out of print and has some value on Amazon, selling for $40 most of the time.  These stories and poems and mythic tales are amongst the first where I had the freedom to write as I wished.  To some degree they were still modified by the publisher.  But I do not regret that, the book is lovely.


Lancelot from Cyberwizard was a mass effort by many artists and a brilliantly talented co-writer G.F. "Geoff" Evrard, who is Breton French, and his side of the project included many fabulous artists. My side of the project had numerous great talents, but numerous people dropped out, leaving me hanging. Some of those were great, but one was very unprofessional (he comes from Ohio).  So, for me it was a troubled work, but, it is a beautiful error free project. It is also out of print, which is a horrible thing because for all the work done on this  book, it deserved much better.  To the publisher Cyberwizard's credit, she fulfilled a promise of publishing the work in color. This edition remains available on Amazon. It is very expensive, but I promise, it is worth the cost. There are page embellishments by a skilled artist, along with the new color art, it is a beautiful work deserving of collection.


Arthur Rex Eternus was born as a sequel to Lancelot, only the publisher requested my work, but never worked on it for a year. After that time I  asked Josh Brown (mentioned above) to edit and format it and write a tale, and we were joined by an artist Trent Westbrook. Of my work, I like these poems, rather more than the Lancelot poems, despite liking the book on the Lancelot more. I think it comes from growth as a  writer, of course, but also, having the freedom to work for Josh as an editor instead of someone I do not know.


I had an idea, to write about Arthurian love. It was gold, GOLD I tell you. Some see love as the ultimate quest, but lust interrupts that quest. Some say fulfillment is the ultimate quest. But does the Holy Chalice, the Grail of legend represent fulfillment, or are we fulfillment of the  quest, when we love another fully? Arthurian Romance and quests  surround the love of others, of service, and of lust. The quest is to learn what is the Holy Chalice.

KING OF AGES: An Anthology

The concept of the book was new. Arthur and Merlyn were/are ever existing. They appear in different forms throughout history, and the future. The tales of King Arthur have appealed to me since my earliest memories. When Josh Brown presented his theme/concept for the book I immediately turned to the primal templates of Arthur and Merlyn. Arthur lived with the blood of a brave but iniquitous man, Uther Pendragon in his veins, was born of a rape of the mother. Arthur was an innocent, despite the perverse origins, and the one to counsel him, and announce him was Merlyn. Understanding them then from Josh's direction, I saw Arthur as King and Merlyn his seer as the iconic theme of John the Baptist, and Christ the King. However, I also saw them in the future, with Christ returning to earth, in the form of Arthur. Wherever there is Arthur, there is Merlyn, and wherever Christ appears, he is foretold and announced by John.


This was published by Diminuendo publishing and is a book about fantasy and ancient events from the perspective of battle and adventure. It was purely text, and some people thought that it would be   a chance to focus upon my poems rather than the art and poems. I enjoyed the work I did, and despite a snafu that marred the first print, (the printer's proof was different than the final product and it was left with two pretty obvious and frustrating errors in product) I am proud of my words. It is now out of print. But Amazon has copies.


The publisher of Mythic Memories is the person who was responsible for finding my project Lancelot and getting it in the publishing stream. Jason Waltz of Rogue Blades Entertainment was great, remains a friend, and he did a magnificent job on this book.  I wrote this immediately after A Life of Ravens and thought of it, initially as A Life of Ravens II.  But it became a more focused work upon myth and is illustrated with public domain work and images from the great works of sculpture and history.


This book was originally written for a certain artist from a concept I had that I thought he'd be perfect for illustrating.  But since writing it, it has been with various artists and now, was self published. As such, the work is a shared beast with lots of people doing the work and I  have no idea when it will be for sure published, other than soon. The concept is a world where wars have left few  living, and Dwarves living in the lonely mountain ridge are beset in  final combat by hordes of evil beings... It is bloody and it is epic. The cover is by Jason Moser, the interior art is by Trent Westbrook,  additional story telling is by Josh Brown, and Dara Syrkin kicked my ass with the edits, thank you.


This collection of stories came about as a result of brainstorming,  collective ideas, and some pretty damn hard work by the editor Josh  Brown.  Michael May, my oft co-writer and I had a concept, we had some works that came in as a result of our creation of the series bible, but it was Josh who sewed the pieces together of this tapestry. I am proud of my short story, as it was hard to complete but, when finished  and after Josh's helpful edits, it is a story I am rather proud of.  As a book by many this is a creation I am proud of, and am happy to say,  it is done. Thanks to Josh, and everyone aboard.


Friend Josh Brown and I'd both submitted our works for a project and while both made it to the final round, we didn't succeed.  However, we obviously both disagreed with the decisions. Josh suggested that we do a book. I said, of course, huh? and he said, I'll do it. Eye of the Dagger is a show of his genius in formatting and edits, he did some stories, as I did, and so did my friend Marc Kleinhenz. As a result we wrote stories about assassinations and dark acts of subterfuge. I think it is a lovely work.


When an artist who took on many projects and then quit on all of them after two years, accomplishing 1 page and not a good one, even, I was steamed. I went to a convention that I'd been guaranteed to have product to sell at, in fact I had very little. Across from me was an artist who was spectacularly talented, and quiet.  He looked at my stuff, asked many questions. He asked me if it was easy getting the things I had into print. Since all my work then was through publishers, I said no, but supposedly there are print on demand printers and publishers who should make that easier. By the end of the convention we had traded lots of things, and made big plans. Daniel Mann is a great artist, and I like him very much, so I am sad that we didn't do more than this, but I will say, I am glad we did do, SAVAGE PAST: Lift High the Raven Banner. It is a single poem, illustrated, with a color cover, in comic book size, but with only a single tale inside. Both Daniel and I have been told the story and art were great. So, it was a good happenstance that happened.


A series of events occurred leading me to write a series of poems, from the personae of the killer Jack the Ripper.  His acts were and still remain vile, by any measure, and were more so in the past due to spectacular events media attention, the relatively new kind of crime spree, and, the letters used by the killer, possibly, and a vast number of hoaxers, to flame the intensity of the emotions regarding the events.  Never before had the media played such a role in a series of murders, and, since the time of the murders, all crimes of a sensational nature can  point to this one as their influential source. So I wrote from the perspective of a participant, and provided a long essay, along with Joseph Hilliard and Nichole Porter, and there is a special back cover from friend Daniel Mann. Other participants include Kurt Wilcken and Robert Wilson. The writing on it is intensely dark, and I would say that the accompanying images from Public Domain sources makes the work a stunning one.

I was invited to take part in this illustrated prose anthology utilizing prose to expand the world of webcomic ongoing series. Since I tend to  not work from the same page as others, both for good and ill, I tried to think about how to tell stories that fit, without stepping on ground that had been stepped on before. The result are two small stories that were fit into this anthology. Thanks to Scott Vaughn and Kane Gilmour for the invitation.


I wrote this work as a personal journey, both a fictionalized autobiography, as well as a commentary upon the world.  It was made amazing by the images, first by Simon Huelsbeck, a fine artist who kicked major ass.  And then with a hopeful gallery by Mark Orluck, a beloved cousin of mine. This was written mostly during my mother's hospice stay, and finished right  before her passing. It is a  work meant to be beautiful, and it is marred by 4 typos that happened, due to my negligence of sorts.  Please forgive those, but read the work and understand, it is me poured upon a page. Mark and Simon were wonderful partners to work with, and if I do ever work with people again collaboratively, I'd love to work with partners so kind and so talented.

This work and its sequel are now presenting free to read in the pages section of this website.


My friend Ed Quinby did some excellent work with me.  His art was beautiful and enriched the quality of my words. We did three books together, and I am very much his fan. He passed away in 2016, and I am still grieving his loss. Celts, Romans, Vikings, and a Celtic fusion world are shown in short prose and poems and images.


Both of my Cthulhu books are written as a means to express within the stylistic walls of the previous builders.  HP Lovecraft and his circle created a world of horror.  I intended to approach it first in a found document sort of way, with journal entries, prose, and verse, along with images to add to a mood.  Cthulhu: Catastrophic Discoveries was written with a theme, that of human first contact with the horror of Cthulhu, exploration and discovery of something terrible.  I was assisted by Josh Brown in the endeavor.


Short prose stories, Haiku/poems, quotes and images.  From the world of the Samurai warriors of Japan.  Josh and I wrote from our interest area here.  We both adore ancient and medieval Japan, and the Samurai embodies that deeply.  The Samurai commonly describes a warrior in Japan who serves a lord,  using combat skills and living by the code of Bushido. But not everyone  followed the code so directly, nor was every samurai so bold and  courageous. So while the truth is somewhere between the idealized icon  of fidelity and bravery, and bullies with swords, this work features the  samurai who lived by their code.  Inspired by the great and  legendary samurai themselves, this work of short stories, poems, and  quotes is meant to evoke, however briefly, life from the viewpoint of  the samurai.


These poems were written a long, long time before the book came out.  Thankfully, having Josh Brown as an editor & publisher, he put the shine on the old words and they came out nice. I wrote poems about how normal human life takes place in a world very unlike Sídhe and Tír na nÓg. This magical place is where faeries dwell, the Wild Hunt goes on, and bodies never age. Go into The Gray with poems about life and death, and love.



My life's observation following the loss of my mother in 2012, my getting lymphoma (cancer) in 2013 and the loss of one of my very best friends Cathy, in 2014.  Life and death is our primary experience. Birth to Death is a  collection of poems that explore the joys and pitfalls of the human life  cycle from beginning to end. Drawing on the personal experiences of his mother's death, contracting  cancer, and the death of a very close friend, all in the span of three  years, Alex Ness poetically lays down the cycle of birth to death into words.



In my previous work, Birth to Death I dealt with losing my mom, my good friend and then having cancer in there as well.  It is not the end.  There is more to life than birth, eat, sleep and die. A life lived without purpose and direction when lost to death, is a tragic waste of existence.  But a life that has been focused upon helping others, doing good works, having a family that has good positive values is one where the death will be sad, but the life had been used well. How can we complain if we do not allow our flame to be wasted?                                                                    


I suffer and have helped those who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  My life has worth, as with those who I have helped, but due to the damage we've suffered, our lives play out differently.  We are alive, we are worthy of love, but due to our scars others treat us differently.  This is my story.


A comprehensive look at the things that make up a poet, create a poet, and evidence of the work done.  Published by Uff-Da Press and Josh Brown.


War is oblivion, and this was a collection of poems and narrative about the cost of and the addiction to war by humans. My best friend Russ Stewart edited and formated the work and it is a nice looking easy to read collection.

REFLECTIVE POEMS: Memoria and Time Ends
Considering the beauty and disaster, the madness of life and the power of existence

Vikings and their way of this world

ALEX NESS and JASON M WALTZ, Alex Ness and many others

 VICTORY is a book of essays, poetry, and images aiming at asking the question, if we hate war so much, why do we fight.  It was written with Jason M Waltz, who is a poet, publisher and helluva nice guy.  He published CROSSBONES & CROSSES featuring stories about Pirates and Crusaders.  I have a poem in the Crusader section.

Peter Urkowitz & Alex Ness

At one time I was going to do a blog about Atlantis and Lemuria, Mu and Thule, and many more lost kingdoms and wondrous places. But my partner had a real job and while his work was great, we had to wait, for the right time to put all our pieces together, counting art, counting many poems and essays by both of us.  As a person who has no idea what to do with the features on Amazon's self publishing page, Peter was tasked to do that as well as add the poems he wrote, and editing our work.  It is an error free work, I am extraordinarily grateful to Peter. And honestly after a number of collaborations turned to hell with other writers and artists, I am so happy to announce this work, that you can find it on Amazon or through me or Peter, and Peter I remain grateful for all that you did. 


I have and will continue to write about the Viking era of European History. In poem for I am attempting to use the sort of story telling and work that evokes the actual era of the Vikings. Who did they raid, why did they raid, who did they worship, were they evil or just wanted to feed their children?  This is a work that is bigger by far than a chapbook and is a book, but I am not printing through Amazon. If you are so moved to buy it, you will have to contact me at my email, or in person at a convention.


Joe Monks saved my life after my broken neck and various bouts with cancer. He kept me positive, he kept me strong, and guided me through a maze of issues. We had a plan, and the first book that occurred from that plan was DISPOSABLE and RAVE MASSACRE AT GLENCOE MN. Joe wrote about a police unit chasing and searching for a coven in Southern MN of witches, and refers to a weird happening 20 years or so prior. Which is what my story covers. He did it so well I read it three times over and said HEY he just referred to my work!  I love Joe, and 4 more years of work together were lost when he passed away, one month before our premiere...

DISPOSABLE by Joe Monks and RAVE MASSACRE by Alex Ness

I have 800 pages of unused Cthulhu stories and poems. So I cut into that unused stock to make two chapbooks with more to come.  I love writing in the worlds of Lovecraft.  Dreamlands is a work that features poems about the Dreamlands, and short stories about the same. It is not meant to be all encompassing, of the mythos, but it does present how humans are different, when trapped in dreams, as corrupted by Cthulhu.


A Mexican woman wrestler, or Luchador, wrestles on a special night called Devil's night, and she is doing her best, even hurting her opponent, but can't seem to win.  There is a reason for that.   This was written by my amigo, Joe Hilliard. It is really clever and well done.  My companion story features a Great Spirit created being called a guardian. When that being sees the Viking ships first land upon Canadian shores, he prays for powers to turn them away. Since the Vikings brought along Berserkers, the stage is set for one Skinwalker, in man wolf form, versus the Berserkers, for the right to stay or leave North America. 

Alex Ness

Another collection of Cthulhu works, I tried to choose works that illustrated my fascination with the concept that lays in opposite of my own. Lovecraft believed that there were no gods, only other beings, perhaps with massive power. Primal humans would likely obey and serve these aliens, should they appear on earth. Since reading a collecting so much Cthulhu related books and articles, I can honestly say, since Lovecraft believed humans a superstitious and frightened species, the beings conjured by Lovecraft and his circle, are truly frightening, because, how can you defeat such a being, if most of your own species serve it out of fear?

Alex Ness & Michael Harmon

Mary Shelley was among the earliest women writers who were easily as good or better than their male counterparts. But in addition to that quality, she considered two incredible concepts in the works we considered, The Last Man doesn't think or blame God for the pandemic and end of humans as a species. The work is directly opposite of what people would think in that era.  Frankenstein, on the other hand, was the replacement of God as maker. And with AI, DNA and tech of all sorts, Man then went from taking from God his role of creation, to creating the tech that may indeed be our end.  I wrote a more serious toned half of this, but it was about Mary Shelley's life and the concepts of the book. Writing partner Mike Harmon speaks about how Frankenstein broke many rules, but then takes the reader on a tour of the works that later came in an evolution of the concepts introduced by Shelley. It might well be that we wrote differently, but for the purpose served, Mike truly shared helpful and interesting information in a easily read format.  As I said, he takes you on a tour through Shelley's work and its dark offspring.


Nate Barlow & Alex Ness

Two writers take different angles at telling stories about encounters with Bigfoot. Is he a violent carnivore, or a timid frightened creature. Are they without intellect, or are they different in language, and entire outlook on life.

Paul Ewert & Alex Ness

The greatest days of Ancient Greece might have passed, but in the current era written about, unusual events not likely to be those of men or Gods are going on. The land is confused and frightened. Good men are making war on neighbors, strange events are leading to scouts seeking the source. In this, Greek warriors meet Cthulhu's kin. Who will survive?

Nate Barlow, Alex Ness, Joseph Hilliard

In this work, three different writers write about life in a fully dystopic world if it can be considered that. This is due to the fact that human created Artificial Intelligence now reigns over Cyborgs and all of the rumored but unknown remnant human society. There is action, many codes and wires and computer thought and human hubris to once again, as they did with Frankenstein, gave life to something that soon went out of their hands and they foolishly had no end game if things fail.

John Morgan Neal, Alex Ness, Joseph Hilliard

As the back cover of this work asks, why is it that as apex predators of their entire planet, it is that humans fear the darkness? Are there dangerous beings outside, or is it that humans are able to kill and make war, hunt, fish and eat flesh, but they are afraid of the dark, and what lives in the places they can not dominate? Is it possible that there remains undiscovered wildlife on the surface of the planet? Or is simply our own doubts and fears that heighten our discomfort in being out of doors at night?  Or is it just those damn neighbor kids and their stupid pranks and sounds.


All art is original and copyright is owned, public domain, or found on public domain web sites.
I thank all the artists and estates for the works of their long passed family member, and for use of their family member's wonderful works.