Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Wars in Gaul

Romans were called aggressors and conquerors
Because they'd challenged their wild enemies
All of the barbarian tribes were wholly untamed
But the Romans were stable, with a civilization
Each of those wild tribes had lived for battle
Even offering rewards for enemy lives taken
The Roman civilization was able but violent
And wild tribes were always moving about
Horse warriors would strike quickly, flee
As the Roman had powerful legions, elite
The Celts could fight on foot, but still
They flourished in combat upon horses
When Roman Legions would move forward
The Celts would lose innumerable warriors
It took time, with many dead on each side
Before fire in the eyes of both foes subsided
Rome could see that the Celts seemed tamed
But that state of being, would not last long
Vercingetorix would try one more time