Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Cave home of hidden Hive

In deepest caverns of the mother cave
Darkness prevails, sounds there echo
Each noise is amplified by the complex
This hive raid others for food and slaves
But the surface dwellers soon decided
Better to gather, fight the cave people
Joining forces than to continue alone
Leader of the cave. the Hive mother
Failed to realize a major pattern used
Attacks occurred in repeated patterns
Not realizing she'd sent out the raiders
Never changed the pattern of attacks
The surface tribes prepared an ambush
Each site known, they'd make a tomb
They showed in that they were clever
Pulling a greater number of the hive
And then slaughtered with abandon
A fresh band of warriors followed
Entering the Hive's openings
The warrior band fought well
Driving their assault while wounded
They also slowed by exhaustion
But the warriors went room to room
And searched and cleared every level
Until there were few of the Hive
Left with life or a chance to heal