Wednesday, July 24, 2024

My Adoptive Brother

On this day, in 1961, my brother was born
He was given a name of Norwegian origin
After of the adoptive father's favorite uncle
Saved from the hatred and abuse and scorn
He'd live happily, in safety, by comparison
He was my first hero and first best friend
I was his Tonto, to his Lone Ranger
I was his Robin, to his Batman
And he taught me to ride a bike
When my mother had tried for years
He taught me to get my shoes tied
When I was too clumsy to learn
He was God's grace towards me
And mercy, both you cannot earn
They are gifts, they are undeserved
My brother died in December 2022
There remains a black hole in my heart
But, despite memory loss, he is in my first
Almost all of my memories, from my youth
Are having fun, experiencing joy with him
I'll miss him forever, until the here after

In Memoriam
Brons Wells Nesss
July 1961- December 30, 2022