Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Few Defended the Many

They would be called heroes
But both sides saw themselves
As being right, as being good
In this case, one side was wrong
Wars are existentially important
Being about a future humanity
This was war, a brutal war
Fought with grim endurance
And fierce resolve
Each side flew machines of war
Going hundreds of miles/hour
Which required great courage
Born talents and taught skills
Radar allowed the defenders
The ability to be ready to fight
And the sirens sounded warning
The pilots ran to their Spitfires
And Hurricanes and other planes
Defending against the Black Cross
For honor, and keeping people free
From a mad Teutonic warlord
Who led his people to war
With threats and tyranny
The sky above London was filled
As well as above factories and airfields
With planes, flak, death and wounds
For a future of hope and freedom
From an evil order and slavery