Saturday, May 4, 2024

Be Ready

I usually take time to deliberate
Life had made me weak
After my five year tour
Being in pain and broken
I now had a partner who lifted me
Kept me afloat, and I had hope
We had a plan, it was so good, solid
My partner kept saying we should do it
And we finished a first, one part of five
But then it happened, my partner died
I had assumed we would break through
People would see us, as brave and new
Our plan was perfect, the pieces all fit
But life doesn't wait, for it to be perfect
And it doesn't obey anyone's command
Far from our choice, it is out of our hand
So say your thank yous and love yous
Say your best regards, and be ready
Because no one knows that day
No one can know the minute
Of when our clocks will stop
We are mortal, we've no power
To determine our status
To decide our exit
Or how we long we'll remain
In pleasure, in pain
We don't control how we exist
So this is it, this was the hour
When our time was ended
Our plans were completed
One way or the other

Dedicated to Joe Monks
My great friend and partner