Thursday, March 7, 2024

No One Knows

Armageddon by Joseph Paul Pettitt, 1852

At first they focused upon 2012, it seemed to bode ill
Then they said a exo planet called Nibiru would strike
Then Isis, an Islamic End Times militia had appeared
As if to become a catalyst for the last days of humans
Yet the time, place, date and any events are unknown
Only the creator knows, just when plans were begun
And presently, when his plans will be made complete
We wonder how such things could happen, but instead
We should prepare for emergency, even if not the end
For centuries people read prophets, like Nostradamus
Or Left Behind, followed people who said they knew
No one knows the date of return, of the end, terminus
But no one knows a thing, other than to say, it is bad
So instead of worry, prepare, instead of panic, trust
For those who fear and panic, miss out upon the good
They lose sight of the life we have, for the one ahead
It is as if these people just can't wait to be dead
When there is a life going on all around them

Nibiru, exo-planet, public domain image