Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The Loser

Trained to fight, trained to kill
I was one called on to win
But the Emperor said I was a loser
 I said Yes I am, I know I am
I did things my way, that's the play
They said if I lost again, that I'd be damned
I am, and still I live, and so here I'll stay
You made me a warrior for the ring
A gladiator who would fight and win
So crucify me, like you do your enemy
And be sure to do it painfully
Hang me from a tree, permanently
It does not matter what you do to me
No one lives forever, and some barely live
In the lives they are given
Do your worst, string me up, let me go
Take me, break me unfurl me like a banner
I'll bleed out my flesh, but not one word
Not even words you cannot forgive
Just dying, just knowing I'm gone
Everything someday shatters
Knowing there's nothing left
You might think my heart is cleft
The world will fade, and decay
Screaming with the blood splatter
Without a path forward, there's nothing
We've turned to dust
The burden was crushing
But now I am done
Je suis fini, fini
From this flesh
To never draw
Another breath
I am free