Tuesday, December 12, 2023

All Father

For you All Father, I am afire
You who who called my true name
Out from the blue, from amidst the mirk of combat
You said my name, without notice or sound
I surrendered to you, and am yours forever
my spirit wild, I never died, stolen by your maids
seeing that I never relinquished to humans
in the madness of mind, I answered your call
my heart and love made wild, I'm untamed
all how you made me, act of a creator's hand
due to you, I am yours, I am in your thrall
In sacred Asgard, I will drink your mead
In holy Valhalla, dine with my lost kin
And then when called, we'll serve our lord
Fighting the armies of giants and trolls
Until Yggdrasil burns down
Until over, Earth, renewed
By your thought and word

To my Viking kindred
To my brother and sister
And all who left before me