Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Question

I am well trained.  My ship patrols beneath the surface of the ocean, often beneath the arctic ice.  I am one who might be given the command to launch missiles against the enemy.  It doesn't matter what enemy.  I don't need to know who they are, I don't want to know.  And the world lives knowing that two sides have navies of ships doing the same thing, with nuclear warheads that can destroy, and make forever impossible life to regenerate.  I do not ask myself if this is a moral way to fight wars.  War in its very essence is moral.  Taking a life from one who might take your life is an equal bargain.  And so, in a metal shell beneath the ocean, I live and work with a command of 200 men and women all prepared to do as I do, fight if called to do so.

We are all dead, it is only a matter of time before we are told so, and by then, the worms have begun eating.  Never question whether or not it is meant to be, it already is, so you must find your place within it, and do as you are told.  Or if you are fortunate, tell others.  We all have jobs to do, all have talents, and all have a need to live and enjoy what time we have here.  Why worry over the cost of things, we don't have control over them.  Every choice we think we might make has already been made.  We fool ourselves thinking that anything we do might actually matter.  So why worry.  We are already dead, loaned this life, and nothing can stop us from dying in reality.  I am here to be what I was born to be.  I defend my country.  It is a moral, important, and worthwhile job.  But it isn't as if 1000 years from now anyone will care.

2000 years ago a Roman emperor said

Let our children's children cry "MARS VIGILA!"

and they still do.