Saturday, August 4, 2018

When I stared this is what I found

I stared into the water of the lake
It reflected the sky, clouds, and my face
Who it was looking back at me
Was a person too old to be redeemed
But too young to stop moving forward
He was a man for whom life was not the reward
He'd had nowhere near enough love
Nowhere enough kisses and hugs
And his eyes revealed a sorrow
Of a man who sold all of his tomorrows
For a chance to survive the day
When his life was destroyed, left to decay
He had tried
He had not yet die
But time has its way
Especially for those who were now maimed
By the forces of the world
And their allies in the underworld
I was alive to the fact
Living was a rebel act
And it was time now to see
What a life spent would bring
The harvest never ends
And the message still is to be sent
Delivered in hand
By the imperfect man
To demonstrate the will
Of the creator who lived upon the hill