Monday, November 10, 2014

A Defender

Not because I enjoy battle
But because I have given my life
Not to fulfill a vainglorious fate
But that I have made a choice
I am a human being
Yet I have become greater
Because I am sworn
A defender of the faith
I will continue fighting
Until I am broken
Without relent
And I will keep fighting
Without allies or armor
My fate does not matter
My body is not a vessel
It is neither permanent
Nor is it powerful
But it is able,
It is determined
My flesh some day will pass
It is temporal
But until then
It will continue the fight
Until no blood pours out
Until my heart stops
Until my breathing ends
Because my soul exists
In a place far from this
Because I am sworn
My task had begun
Long before my first act
Whether building bridges
Caring for the wounded
Feeding the poor
Defending the weak
By accepting my oath
My life had already been given
My soul had already ascended
It is this body made of flesh
Animated by some divine