Monday, February 26, 2024

Hubris allowed the Vikings to strike

The people of the mound city
With paved streets and walls
Resplendent, rich for their era
All wearing garments of finery
The arms they bore never used
A few in suits of great armor
Believing themselves mighty
And still, they were not
They were simply fortunate
Upon the top of a mound fortress
Inherited from a dead people
The day of the demise came
No forewarning or awareness
Of the disaster about to strike

It was upon a new moon, sacred
A circle of people, around a fire
As a voice begins, others follow
The flames keep the group warm
But the sounds could well inspire
Even should life become hollow
With those beliefs, with comfort
How can one take in the warning
In hubris, there's no fear
When the fishing crews told them
That the Viking ships are coming
Elders accused the people of lies
Despite seeing these dragon ships
Even obscured by all of the mist
The forms of ships and dragons
Sound of ships crashing through
With every wave and current
Came a human moment of effort

Saxon shores now waited, alone
Through that fog comes a force
The moment of destiny awaits
As the raiders quietly arrive
By swift action, special stealth
The mound then became a grave
Before leaving mound fortress
Everything valuable was taken
Every gaudy jewel and gold
For trading, for ore and foods
Their children would not starve
To bring home to their people
Honoring the dead with horns
Norsemen set the village alight
In the future nothing is known
About these wealthy people
Who thought their wealth
Would keep them safe
And now, emptied
Only the walls remain