Friday, July 7, 2023

No Regrets?

There are times when you do something stupid, and immediately cringe and feel crushed
Then other times when you make mistakes that are not moral failings and you feel nothing
My life is filled with mistakes, I was born a mistake, lived as one, but I have zero regrets
Sometimes because you were foolish but not mean or stupid, other times you falsely trusted
I make mistakes, not proudly, but learn from them, and try to ultimately thereafter forget
Because whatever I've done, it wasn't with malice, it was with bad judgment, and idiocy
So to you, the ones I hurt, I am sorry, to you those I could not do what you wished, sorry
Ultimately, if you are someone I loved but couldn't act upon even as I needed the intimacy
I have no regrets, for you showed me and gave me something I was not receiving then
And if I had nothing but honor, I had to live upon that, which isn't done easily

“Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.” Kahlil Gibran

Alex Ness 2023©