Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Utopia Lost, But it still Lives Within

In the daylight, the disaster became clear, fully revealed before our eyes
When the enemy attacked, their violent acts broke the silence with rage
Our city walls had fallen, our dreams shattered with the bringing of war
We spent centuries building our homes, weaving a community of allies
Our goals were united, our prosperity shared, for us peace was waged
Still it took just one to break the peace, to dim the bright light of stars
Scarred hearts break, but we'd defend ourselves, or live in the cage
If we are afraid to walk, to speak, to act, the bully relies upon our fear
If our lives have worth, we must defend what we are, or surrender
If the bullies and tyrants succeed, we're left only dreams to remember
Of golden days, without rage, when we lived to be one people forever
To live for peace in our hearts, does not mean we have to be weak
Some fight do so for others and not the selfish reasons of a tyrant
They defend the good, all that must not be lost, a knight can be meek
Examples exist throughout history, chivalry lives in a knight-errant
The path we seek should be peace, but it isn't the path that all seek

 "The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him,
but because he loves what is behind him."            G.K. Chesterton