Saturday, August 10, 2019

Fate denied

You gave me a command
You demanded my allegiance
My obedience
To be all things to you
I sang your anthems
You heard me sing
Emptied my flesh of vitality
Where is the salvation
Found through my own hand
If I pray to your god, to renew
Would I be doomed
Will I doom the future generations
If I learn the truth, who am I to say
How may I decay
As final as burning dust
Or wind through the sands
Faced with never having children
A moral and spiritual castration
The future would taste damnation
What is the next taste of catastrophe
Appearing upon our damned horizon
I will not carry the seed to save the day
Human extinction might well be the perfect way
Have I earned this hate by my lack of hope
The destiny of one who refuses
To retaliate, to deny fate
Who am I, who would be my children
That I will never have
I condemned you by not creating more humans
By never having children to name
Going down the stairs
To the molten rivers
This horrifying beauty desolate
Makes me shiver
Have I entered the end game
Or is this the demon's lair