Thursday, February 1, 2018

Her Excellence

The morning was clear
The scent hanging in the air
Was all things floral
She was laying upon the royal barge
As it moved slowly
She was uncovered by clothing
Her pristine beauty nearly sacred
Unaffected by the royal quarrels
In the distant palace
Her body was in repose, still
With the breeze cooling her
It was as if this immortal queen,
Simply floating
Was communing with the many gods
Still as a statue or corpse of an mortal
Yet clearly alive
Even electric
The glowing
From the blessed Aten
Upon her beautiful flesh
When I gazed at her
I lost my breath
In my reckless ways
For her beauty so elegant
Her features so nuanced
My heart could barely stop beating
For fear
For if she looked my way
And saw my gaze
I'd be crushed for the pretense
Of being a mortal man
Gazing at a woman of eminence
And not knowing what to say
So I kept silent
Knowing I was nothing
Compared to her magnificence