Friday, November 2, 2012


In the bowels of the earth
Even below river Styx
To the depths of Hell
Oni and their master
Torture stolen souls

For the dead this is a curse
All hope is eclipsed
And their spark is but a shell
They burn and hear laughter
The ringmaster has complete control

For the rich there is hunger and thirst
Their beings are transfixed
As they hear the ringing of tolling bells
The Archduke of Hell has an answer
Telling all to enter the shadows

The Hells are neither safe nor fair
The burning, suffering, leather whips
Here only the evil dwell
For the lost their past is a cancer
The bodies covered in eulogy and black roses

But one samurai challenged the fear
He entered the dark realms alone
Wearing common armor and sword
Refusing worry, he acted swiftly

Ready when Oni appeared
He'd find victory or never return home
The demons attacked as a horde
The knight battled deftly

While this dark realm causes bitter tears
The samurai had come fulfilling Bushido
He accepted death as part of life and words
His will and sword were at once deadly

Finally the samurai cut through the terror
Closing his thoughts and raising his ego
The enemy was beaten, except for the guards
And shortly they'd be met, by one who acted directly

Upon the throne the ringmaster sat
Holding in chains the hostage
That the samurai sought to free

The samurai walked forth bravely
The enemy completed exhausted
Only innocent blood can be used to redeem

At once the Samurai jumped to throne's steps
And reached for the hostage to take her
The ringmaster stared coldly
For he had been tempted
To keep his prize
But decided that time would deliver
His ultimate goals