We decided that we must know if we're alone
We possess intense desires to somehow know
Is earth unique, or is that a hope from a heart?
A wanderer, reaches for the alien distant stars
Using a technology that might be inadequate
Will life be found or will we still have to wait
To find the distant planet, that is an alien home
A wanderer seeks but is it condemned to roam
Will it ever find the grail of its quest?
Are we alone?
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
To Forever Seek
Monday, April 29, 2024
Why Bother?
I watched the end as it approached, did nothing
Staring into a sky of fire and mushroom clouds
As the wars of tribes go on, why try to survive
Earth will recover, but it will do so without us
For we have known war and violence forever
There is no reason to expect humans to change
When the end is here, and we've gone too far
“But we are only termites on a planet and maybe when we bore too deeply
into the planet there'll be a reckoning. Who knows?” Harry S. Truman
Sunday, April 28, 2024
The Wolves Call Out
Am I a foe, is it a call for my presence to end
Are they instead warning the world, for all
Do they see the end, worried for their doom?
I'm lost, but I know that I can hear the call
The baying is electric, powerful and a portent
We've done the damage to ourselves
And it would take a fool not to notice
We've arrived at the end
Saturday, April 27, 2024
as flesh betrays the soul
My soul is covered by all my desire
Like the lunar eclipse of recent days
All of us are sinful, screaming in fire
As we forget reasons to never stray
Moments pass, we know we're liars
Unable to cleanse myself, betrayed
I watch in disbelief, I'm blinded
Becoming aware I'm a fool
Friday, April 26, 2024
My Being Earned Its Stain
Bereft, left to my own consequences, and I sorrow
No pity, my being deserves the pain I have earned
If the world is my flesh, I'm a cancer ever growing
And there are no answers to the constant questions
My being has turned gray and my flesh is in decay
The outside world will notice nothing changed
Perhaps I've not changed, but instead understood
And self awareness of my flaws will be my doom
“You can see a person's whole life in the cancer
they get.” Haruki Murakami
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Time Ended
They all can ask
My questions burn inside me
To heal an impossible task
I have no answers
The world is a mystery
There is no visible path
Our world is absurd
The reason is lost
Every day, a different attack
I am bleeding ink
My heart stopped
There will be a day
The hands don't move
Upon the frozen clock
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
We've Failed Our Future
The world is a beautiful, magical place
Flourishes with life and perhaps unique
For all of our exploration, we are alone
Science has never found another planet
Where we can escape the choices made
Why do we pollute, destroy our home?
Are we truly so arrogant we don't care
Or will future generations realize
That every choice made was unfair
The future knows we've committed suicide
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
They Came Like a Plague
The insidious attack, it comes without warning
With heat rising from contact, bots are exploring
Our human species will be bound and analyzed
As alien masters had come without our knowing
The plague was easier to deal with, it was known
Slaying the strong, the weak, with no preference
Dissection, experiments, contributed to cloning
Bots deliberately entered into human systems
Within a very short time, the web of information
Was entirely known, and the weak areas exploited
As the aliens left, their work created a new world
We walked into a new age, of great human peril
The unprepared were forced to act as slaves
The prepared tried to create a rebellion
The enemy was based upon our own flesh
They understood every single human flaw
And the AI introduced a new tyranny
Monday, April 22, 2024
The Monuments To False Gods
Idolatry is a common feature in works of antiquity
To give credit to the created, rather than the creator
View all the statues left behind, in any ancient place
To be remembered and praised, rather than infamy
It isn't false to say, that isn't the same as being a god
Statues left behind of those aren't close to divinity
But desiring worship, praise, adoration are hubris
So view with awe the engineering, and artist's craft
They are the truly marvelous accomplishments
As they beckon your mind to remember the past
Sunday, April 21, 2024
Black Roses for your Grave
I know you left without notice, but the rain told me
You'd gone into dark and shadow realms, all alone
Never got to tell you, without you, I'd be in misery
Left black roses on a place you called your grave
The clouds swell as the rain never ends, a mystery
I was the poison, and there was no antidote to save
My presence was a poison, a curse, an eternal stain
Saturday, April 20, 2024
The Cursed Earth
We stare upwards, questioning the stars
There are no answers, to all the questions
With so many throats choked with words
No words of hope can escape the lips
The walls around us were built to stand
Humans efforts were beyond brilliant
But that didn't make them impenetrable
Our disasters are all self invited,
Every human grieves this plague
This flesh has been cursed
We're unwilling to surrender
As disasters strike this Earth
A third of water made toxic
A third of the populace dies
We've entered Armageddon
There's no escape for our species
Despite our efforts, we're done
Friday, April 19, 2024
Tales of a Cat Person
My greatest joy in life has been my son
My world changed as he became a man
My wife had taught me love, just in time
So I might be ready to be my boy's dad
But over time, my life has seen little joy
Grave pain, from many different places
And that pain never goes away, it lingers
All the while I've had one true pain relief
Her name is Katya, and loves completely
She comforts me, gives me back sanity
She allows me to know, always, somehow
That someone is there, who will love me
Regardless of my idiocy, insanity, pain
I don't want to live on planet without her
I don't want to breathe air inside of me
That she as well has never breathed
No human knows the depths of my love
None know how impossibly deep it runs
But somehow she does
And she always has
I live for time with her
To be slept upon
To be purred towards
To feel the whack of her tail
Upon my face
She is the one in Heaven
I long most for the embrace
Because she allowed me true peace
When the rest of my life was crazed
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Miserable Confessional
To some, life is a curse
To others, it's a blessing
I have found little of any
Despite a life long search
On my knees confessing
Victim of feeding frenzy
As I've opened my heart
Instead it is ripped out
When I confess my sins
I am accused of doubt
Why should I bother
There is so little left
My beloveds gone
I am made bereft
I am bleeding inside
And broken in pain
Stripped of my dignity
Again called a stain
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Looking Back
The face looking back through that mirror
Was way the hell happier than I remember
I never felt that way, so I blame the cracks
Because there was never a time I could be
Anything more than barely existing
All I ever wanted was be yours, at my core
Just to get there I had to still fully surrender
And now I'm mocked, constantly attacked
For being honest, telling the truth and more
Leave me alone, my inner truth is calling
Telling me I'd fucked it all up, I'm falling
With only my dreams to break the fall
But somehow, I've stopped caring
“Every man carries with him through life a mirror, as unique and
impossible to get rid of as his shadow.” W.H. Auden
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Stare at the Sun
If we stare at the sun, strangely we will be blinded
Staring at the darkness, are we blessed with light?
In ironies of existence, scattered about experience
Do we have the wisdom to just perceive, or believe
We are more than flesh mounds, but thinking beings
How long must we pursue truth, live for the fight
I was blinded before birth, by my horrible origins
It took life to show me light, through the darkness
And now, with less life remaining, than I've lived
I've had to learn to give up those grudges, forgive
If not you turn the waters of life bitter, give it back
Or things that exalt your being, are lost regardless
to give birth to a dancing star. I say unto you: you still have chaos in yourselves.
Monday, April 15, 2024
Celebrate existence
Wonder is a joy, to explore the deepest fathoms and know
We are organic beings, with no limit to our imagination
Sands of earth beaches are fewer than planets with life
We have a universe that begs to be known, investigated
Always limit your caution, there's too much to do
And so little time and life to do it all
Sunday, April 14, 2024
That Day
And there will come a day
When the suffering is done
When the hunger will end
When the hate will fade
Into darkness and die
That day will be our time
To celebrate our freedom
To dance for our liberation
To hope in our expectation
There will come that day
When we find the wisdom
When we realize our fate
Not to always kill each other
But to end the foolish debate
And simply love one another
In a way that forgives the pain
We experienced and caused
And embrace all others
Whatever their name
Whatever their race
Whatever their face
And love them
Without shame
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Farewell my beloved
I hear the echoes of her paw's prints
Taste the air that she breathed inside
I see the emptiness where she laid
And I know, I'm empty now as well
She is gone and I'm broken within
She has passed, it cripples my mind
She was my love, she called my name
And without her, my being is in hell
I could lose my arms or my eyes
I could break all my bones or heart
And I couldn't feel worse than I do
Knowing she's not with me, any more
I wear a mask that doesn't disguise
When I smile with a heart of scars
Missing you, missing you
The rest of my life spent
Missing you
Dedicated to every pet who blessed me by sharing their life with me
Friday, April 12, 2024
I walked with my unit through uncut wheat fields
The summer sun blazed with a cool wind blowing
The lost men over time, sacred shadows reminding
That life is precious, our time must produce a yield
As we left the scene of battle, the sun was blinding
Yet we know, those who died did not do so in vain
For an Empire was secure, all our sacrifices sincere
My father was a farmer, his was as well, they served
Upon the horizon black clouds rose, soon with rain
Warriors alive, no lightning or enemies bring fear
But a day done, our reward far less than deserved
Fought with honor, died in service, for an Empire
With slavery, violence, and gluttony unconcealed
We were tools for a machine, and we might break
For the human body is only so able, and not steel
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Fallen Kingdom
Brothers we grew up in the home of the king
Granted equal rights to the throne and crown
We both trained as warriors with our consent
As knights of the kingdom, as leaders of men
We refused our own lives, to fulfill the legacy
In one violent act, we were ruthlessly attacked
We were each called upon, to sacrifice lives
To stem invaders from pouring over the walls
We now linger as ghosts upon the battlefield
For the terrible day a king and princes fell
Each banner was torn down, and burned
Kicking up fires, mindful of Hell
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Relentless sorrow
A cold rain fell, the freeze severed my soul
I couldn't breathe, as the pain was immense
Wishing you were with me, in better days
But as I walk the streets, in the winter cold
I've turned pale, gray even, lost my senses
Losing you, I'm emptied, becoming a ghost
Broken by death, my tears are relentless
The sorrow of loss has left me empty
Farewell my love, in eternity
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
At the Peak
My heart forced open, made to dream of what if you never left
Each day without you, the pain deepens, a path I yet had chose
The world is so focused upon the present, it forgets those bereft
Life is a cycle, with each day marked by morning call of crows
As I enter sleep and dream, but forget as we reach the crest
The mountain top and the peak are glorious
Yet it is there that nothing grows
Monday, April 8, 2024
Trapped by the offerings of the flesh
Heading to a place worse than death
My being a wonder to have survived
All I've faced, fallen and risen, alive
You called my name, I was changed
There is no shame, no condemnation
No anger, no bitterness, lost my rage
So now where do I go, but the end
To answer the message I was sent
And I am grateful
Sunday, April 7, 2024
In different ways, phases of renewal and loss
The story of the history of human civilization
Our world has changed, many different times
With new phases of technological development
Only for it then to be destroyed, and rise again
Will we ever know how to prevent the disaster
Will we be the victim every 15000 year decline
Works about the past address it, with eloquence
Is there a way to stop any of the coming events
Earth is a target for a meteor, comet or solar flare
Will we survive, do we face more than a scare?
Or will we embrace the danger, with absolute hubris?
Saturday, April 6, 2024
I had cried with every loss
Every tear came with cost
You had paid for me to live
And called for me to forgive
Staring emptily, a soul cold
My entire being was broken
So I 'd nothing I could lose
You gave me life and truth
And there is nothing else
Friday, April 5, 2024
When we think about it all, why do we do it?
So many lost in the wars, the tribal hatred thoroughly waged
As innocent lives destroyed, by bombs dropped anonymously
Drones deliver death, indistinguishable, civilian from soldier
Nuclear weapons await the turn, to destroy all left in the cage
Corporate greed, distinctly evil leadership, warring profitably
Futures are unknown, all born will die, but hope to die older
Than merchants of death wish to calculate, how to profit by
“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished
unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.”
![]() |
AI created, Thank God that's all we have so far |
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Tell me, because I don't know
Just what is the reason for anything at all, why are we here
Is chaos our father, circumstance our mother, hope too late
Can we be beings of intellect, but without purpose or reason
Did chance create a future destiny, are we the victims of fate
Life has mysteries, false hopes, and a constant fear of wrath
I don't know, whatever IQ, I wonder constantly these origins
Children of the atom, generations born from logic and a path
Children of the Gods while Heaven, Asgard or Elysium wait
I don't know, all I can do is hope
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
The Vacant Heart versus the Vacant Stare
She promised yes, he said he'd never break her heart
But time moves faster than our hearts can reconsider
She said yes and took the ring, on heart full of scars
He came back from war, she'd taken it off her finger
He'd known, she'd found another, or something other
But by now he'd seen so much, heart so cold didn't feel
She didn't want to be his lover, he didn't want a mother
And in the end they were friends, easier to just be real
But still hurts, breaking promises, hearts, and souls
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
The Spirit of Defeat, or Surprise Victory
Victory is not a moment, it is a result
Victory in the memory of history
After the battles have been fought
Whether one has won or has lost
Is when a side perceives itself defeated
Even in falsehood, perhaps an accident
Just as there have been the opposite
Where an army thinks it is about to win
And is crushed by the momentum
Loss of hope by the reality of the day
Great generals would craft battles
So that that momentum and timing
Would collide and create false hope
Dashing it, causing panic and despair
Hannibal Barca and Julius Caesar
Most especially Alexander the great
I promise that when you feel defeated
Refuse to give up, it might be a ruse
Where an enemy of your being is plotting
Only to lose, a misstep of confidence
You might instead be about to find victory
Where only defeat lingered before
Monday, April 1, 2024
The Madness
When it ends, my flesh stops screaming
Words stop dropping, ink stops bleeding
I'm lost in life, breathing for no purpose
I have a destination, to escape this circus
Because the world has gone fully insane
And we're mainlining madness at the vein
So take me from this place, I will survive
Because no matter what is done, I'm alive
In spirit, always, in flesh terminus reached
(photo from Getty images)