Monday, February 25, 2019

Black Sun Castle

Bodyguards of the devil wore black
Regaled in medals, pompous and strict
The beliefs they held were evil
Given complete power
A sort of human became ascendant
A chicken farmer rising in status
Himmler the organization's hour
Reimagining the racist criminals
They'd become the state's apparatus
To destroy enemies, cull the herd
The members were loyal, but liars
Supposedly honorable knights
The rode upon a hateful tide
Occult leader Himmler declared
The white race supreme in pride
Hubris was their enemy
Speaking boldly of goals of genocide
There'd be catastrophe, events would portent
When Democracy and Egalitarian armies
Would join forces to bring
The Nazi state's end

    "I know there are some people in Germany who become sick when they see these black uniforms, we understand the reason for this, and do not expect we shall be loved by all that number of people; those who come to fear us in any way or at any time must have a bad conscience towards the Fuhrer and the nation. For these persons we have established an organisation called the Security Service." Heinrich Himmler