Sunday, December 23, 2018

Dropped a Cigarette

I dropped a cigarette
From my hand
As I fell
To sleep
It landed upon the couch
The surface was on fire
But I never noticed
Instead I dreamed
And never knew
Such abject desire
Nor hunger
While the house burned
I was on fire with love
For a person who
According to the dream's narrative theme
As I slept
I might yearn for her
I might desire her form
But she didn't care
If I returned
So long as I was willing
To give her my trust
Rather than lust
And consign my fate
To the blowing wind
The raging flames
And the blowing dust
And burnt matter
The couch and room grew warm
The fire alarms cried out
But I was more comfortable now
No need for blankets
I decided to stay asleep
Where it was safe