Sunday, October 7, 2018

The War Against the Fire Worms

The day arrived when victory was ours
We had fought and slew hordes of dragons
We were experts, committed and true
We'd celebrated our victories, with flagons of mead
And had assumed the world was free
For no dragons now flew
It was the warrior's hour
But we had absolutely no understanding
Of what dragons do when faced with struggle
They dig deep into the earth
Laying eggs for the future horde
But also unleashing the power
When their queen gave birth
The metamorphosis of the species
The dragon queen is able
When threatened to transform
A much larger and more vile body
Loathsome breath, and flight
A Worm, of enormous length
And more
She gave birth to more of her kind
All bearing the gifts of their mother
The dragons were gone
Replaced with creatures
Much greater
And impossible to slay
Humans had had their victory
But now the Worms
Would have their day