Saturday, July 28, 2018


Above the rest of the city
High above the canopy
I watch every night
Because the predators hunt
It is my destiny
The victims call out in agony
It is my quest, my divine right
I hold in my hand the innocent's trust

For in midnight my sword is quick
My way is known only by me
For I am the watchman
The earliest morning hours
The fog and clarity is thick
My violence does not redeem
I am the final option
And the outlook is dour

Should I fail, should even one die
The city's blood will be upon my hands
Innocent lives are not sport for game
The wild tribes must be fought
I am willing to be crime's suicide
This is my sovereign land
The evil of man must be tamed
I fight for honor, to harvest the criminal lot

My name is justice
My name is guardian
My name is unknown
Except to those who riot
To them my name is final
The only answer to their venom