Monday, February 17, 2025

Liberation from the Dragon Horde

For many centuries, we have struggled
Throwing off our chains, we have risen
The destructive overlord has discovered
Humans will not willingly be enslaved
So long we were hunted and pummeled
Despair was evident, our sorrow written
We were isolated and alone, smothered
Until by stiff resistance we were saved
War is not in our heart, but for liberation
We'd be lacking courage if never acted
Now was our restoration and celebration
Far better to fight and die
Than live as a slave
A hoard of dragons dead
The dragon survivors forced in treaty
 Their word to never ever return
Or they would be made extinct

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Love is the reason

Where's the love we'd been destined to have to received
Is it on this planet, in this life as flesh, or something else
Does it come by a transactional act or sort of a belief?
Is it fate calling your name, not by logic, it is an affect
You transform your soul, in a moment love is released
That exact time and place you are moved, changes you
From a seed planted to the orchid's bloom, love is proof

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Survivors of Curiosity, Discoverers of Destiny

I was one of twenty, Vikings and survivors
Our long boat was tossed by a winter storm
Wind shredded our sails, we took on waters
The shores we were forced upon were dark
Lands deeper in were forested, green, lush
While we did find food and took down prey
They were foreign lands, dangerous, distant
So far from our home, yet in ways similar
If we'd live and return, it could be a home
This upon red clay, in runes from learning
I keep a journal for those who might know
Vikings never give up, we live to discover
This group of Norse, Danes, and Swedes
Would never return home, but we might try
And survive long enough to be remembered
More than conquest but finding new lands
We are born from the cold and fierce blood
Protected by Thor, his winds kept us alive
To lay a claim we lift our Raven Banner
We are Vikings, children of the storm

Friday, February 14, 2025

To Love

Time has a voice and it will tell you clearly
That Romantic love has a way of happening
No matter how unique you are, or broken
One will find another, and become chosen
Love is finding one being to share existence
Exalt your lover always and with persistence
To know another, giving, with self sacrifice
February 14 is a day for some, but for others
The day is a small notion, forever is for lovers

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Dreaming without conclusion

The world around us, hums with an activity
People ask, what should be our destination
We seem to think that we want to be home
In a world of mental stagnation and hunger
Damnation is agony, boredom being alone
I know for me that solitude is comforting
Or solitude is maddening,  misery of self
The rhythm of the world is a living being
I don't my path, so I choose to sleep
In that dream my mind offers a display
The horizon far distant, golden morning
When above me, circling, is a raptor
It soars while hunting prey
I am staring upward, watching intently
When the predator finally acts
Talons and wings are ready
I am transported far away
To a small room
It will now decide my path
I can't escape, so now must wait

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Not Gone, remnant, wondering

There in the thick, the moment arising
The moon stares down on us, quietly
Day passed, Night followed, and I wait
Life brought me here, I have fear
Hope is passing, a soul compromising
Existence is a mystery, moving silently
With no observable beginning or end
Arrived at terminus and painful tears
I've hope, that it is not fully the end
But only the end of my flesh, of breath
Not of all existence, my spirit survives
So now I wait wondering, with doubts
I wonder, will my mystery be solved
Will I soon see Elysium, the tall grass
Or will I stand watching, waiting
I'm wondering my fate, with hope
Unsettled by the event of terminus
And the actuality of the moment
But I do believe there is more

Artist: Edward Hopper

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Permanence is humanity's highest state of being
Arrival is at birth, flesh the default, a beginning
Our heart seems as forever's vessel, to exist
It pumps our life's blood carries DNA, name
And once we transcend from temporary, now
We enter our forever place, spirit the final state
But blood has paid for our cost, fears are lost
End of the temporal world, replaced by grace
And forever

Monday, February 10, 2025

No Club You'd like to join

Layne, Kurt, Amy, Jimi, Jim, Mia, Janis & more
Left this life far earlier than they should have
With gifts of talent from DNA & opportunities
End up creating fame, creations, glory and fame
With unique drive, going on tour, creating beauty
They were able to soar, achieve in a realm of music
But so many artists encounter inner demons
With no hope, addictions flourished, fortunes failed
Before the eyes of the public, fame, upon the stage
Their lives collapsed, in loss of health, years & time
Kept their fame, but lost life, & all of their talents
Lost to the legacy of humanity, and their own legacy
Enormous talents lost to the future and new works

Sunday, February 9, 2025

My rotten corpse

Elders, others saw me, seeing only failure and wept
I couldn't go back to the beginning, don't remember it
My failed dreams of the past became lost in my despair
My origins were dark, more than anyone could accept
Entropy is, it exists, however swift, it begins to work
In the end it doesn't matter, once your life is dissected
With nothing of flesh left, you stop existing, or care
While others leave your cold corpse to decompose
Laughing at the dreams you had, that never arrived
The failures you could never abide, survived

Saturday, February 8, 2025

knowing my fate

Was brought into the facility, it became obvious
If I need to be lobotomized, I'll be no worse off
Our world has become addicted to many things
With our violence, lust, hunger, gems and rings
If you need me dead, send me away, as I bleed
I'll forgive you, I will count it as none the less
Thank you for releasing my body, all my being
I am finally free to speak openly to my fate
That there is only destiny, nothing called fate

Friday, February 7, 2025

The Dead Warn

An empty space is now covered in sand, and an approaching storm
No rain is falling, to be walking into the storm, then pelted by sand
A wasteland where skeletons cover the ground, having died in war
Scars remain, from a conflict for the land with no value, they warn
Warning about devotion to war, greed, pestilence, and need

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Taking Individualism and Replacing it with Obedience

The choice of idiocy by the partisan masses
Makes the world aware of the circumstances
That whatever is the path that is now chosen
Will lead to a result of a system being broken
We need to change the way policy is decided
Because a dictatorship is always misguided
Losing a future due to a desire for conformity
Destroying our individualism, remorselessly
In exchange for safety from a non existent threat

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

I am lost, left behind

We waited for redemption, from this violence, the chains of life
Our hopes were high, taught to believe without reason, while alone
We hungered for a chance to be thought beautiful or loved deeply
We longed for a savior, a messiah or messenger, to rise upon high
Nothing could save us, we're lost, our sacrifices obscure our tome
Waiting for something that never came, we called out so weakly
Our world offered many promises, with none of them fulfilled

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Dead Black Ink

I ran away from home, first moment I was all alone
With a fear of being where there's only the darkness
Solitude is horror if it only brings a poverty of time
I've nothing inside, all by my self, I've no real home
Others around me live, I live despite being a carcass
I am bleeding ink, tossing words together in rhymes
Only to be forgotten and dismembered in my mind

Monday, February 3, 2025

Inherit the Future Now

Underneath the canopy of the blue above me
I live in a tangled green beneath that view
Every moment goes until I'm too old to think
My body dies a little with every passing day
The future a child inherits is beyond all dream
For the people, the planet and powers of truth
Cannot change the unknown even on the brink
We stare into the sky and wonder if its insane
For the future isn't promised, history is proof
We have to find and embrace destiny
Fulfilling the purpose within us
It is there, we need to find it
Living it and becoming ready
For the future is a gift

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Different Hunters

They look as though they are made of how the forest looks
Organic, flexible, undefinable, silent, moving like the night
Leaping from tree branch to branch, down to the jungle floor
To kill their prey, for them it isn't simply a hunt, but survival
In human dreams, we believe we are the jungle's master, but
Slow, made of weakness, tired, our only advantage our mind
Using tools to replace the natural weapons of speed, to strike
Making them powerful, leaving us with nothing but crutches

Saturday, February 1, 2025

In that place, it is perfect

When I walk a straight line to the horizon
As flawed Oblivion is kept from my reach
All my flesh weakens as the days pass by
I fall before the reality, I am broken by life
But decay and entropy won't steal dreams
Even as the days and pain steals memory
Empathy and glory await us at the final day
For all the trials and mistakes are foreseen
Part of our education, a great mystery play
In this land of silence and peace, He is there
Where sleep is restoration, where we thrive
Memories have gone, for our world is alive
Moments become our treasure, amazing
Fear and screams will not endure, no pain
For this is paradise and is never ending
And we will no longer count the days
Before a rapturous moment triumphs
Perfecting our being, we are ready

Friday, January 31, 2025

Time Doesn't Exist

It hasn't escaped our obsessive hold
But we'll deny that the story was told
As this narrative wasn't a lie, we know
Logic doesn't explain the truth's point
Humans created ideas of what is time
A perspective to understand, a notion
We think its a living thing, or a record
Before any language or number existed
We had an idea of the time as it passed
It isn't real, but we act as though it is
We seem convinced that it is a reality
All it does, is give our mind a context

Thursday, January 30, 2025


The worst pain isn't a curse, it isn't a blessing
But a notice that you know you are alive still
With anthems ringing of pain at highest levels
The comforts are fading, as you are screaming
Getting old isn't a blessing or curse, it is a thing
A thing other people miss out upon, but do they
For me getting here isn't a blessing, that's fine
All I want is to find that place I need, so quiet
The silent breeze, warm and inviting, tall grass
Days are long and you never grow old nor cry
I am here now, all I have is pain, so I'm waiting
Until the day the stars fade, and my life is joy
No longer insane, no longer outside in a cold rain
Where I can fly if I like, or swim like a dolphin
Where I can cry for love, or never again mourn
I long to be there, and never feel pain again

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

One Alone

Finding a body broken into pieces, impossible to put back together
Jigsaw puzzle scattered upon the ground, no way to make it better
Pain in life memorialized as simultaneously, resistance is exalted
A solitary existence made worse by actions, leaving me exhausted

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The False Gods

As all humanity had thought it was noble
In a glory, our imagined greatness reigned
We had became confused in our perception
The conceit was deep, and we were a stain
Thought we'd become brighter than we were
As we falsely believed we were the master
When we were but flesh born minions
Gone astray, and broken everlasting
Mistaking the winter dried foliage
For the white pure flowers of spring
After a drought and famine disaster
Instead we saw the remnants of a world
Where our hubris had triumphed
And we were likely to go extinct
With no ability to be defiant
We were soon set adrift

Monday, January 27, 2025

My Angry Being

In this silence behind this heart's beating
I hear the war drums of each human flaw
Rage unrelenting even as a foe retreating
I can't find comfort nor feel glory or awe
My being is flesh, flawed and well beaten
Each breath I wish my last, cancer gnaws
Blame myself, none other, and I weaken
For anger brings me nothing, grace is all
Rage is abandoning all I've tried to do
And Lord God, it keeps me from you
Forgive me, it is embedded in my flesh
And it burns deeper with every breath

Sunday, January 26, 2025

I'll leap into nothingness

I've made the choices and have a faith
But my question lives still with doubts
If I'm alive in my world, I don't know
So I will leap, blind into the unknown
And reach for the heavens that rise, rise
With no ropes to climb, I will still rise
Give my existence to know the exalted
Rather than fall, I'll grow wings and fly

To Fly

Friday, January 24, 2025

Defending Against the Beast of War

The surrounding fields, ripe with wheat
The villagers however cannot work a harvest
They huddle in the great fortress in fear
As warriors of the castle and inner keep gather
A foe is massing before walls and empty villages
The enemy leader, the beast alone has the power
To stop the carnage, to prevent the battle
The kingdom will not surrender to the marauders
Innumerable numbers arrayed, so certain to pillage
Both viewing the other, as enemies in fact
No longer brothers, no longer neighbors
Battle is a foe, a scythe to grain, killing all
Good people cut down, falling down as chattel
A war came not from being enemies, but greed
A war fought not for justice but something worse
To kill and steal, to rob and plunder, as a curse
As a powerful beast, who has hunger and envy
Seeks to align the world, as its leader, as the first
And all who are near, if conquered, the last
But there is hope, that the moral might rise
The Kingdom remains standing fast
Awaiting its fate

Slava Ukraini, Glory to Ukraine

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Well Aware

I'm well aware of the lies that are told
All that matters is our pleasure and gold
But life is more than our personal story
We're born for more than our own glory
I know I'm not perfect, but I think clear
This world around me, all on this sphere
Have their own desires, and beliefs
Makes assumptions about reasons to be
Wondrously and fiercely made, not by me
My creator formed a world with a thought
And we now pursue what he has wrought
Finding our form in a being of greatness
Calling us to be more, not to entertain us
The day will come when the end is here
And there will be no doubt why it is
Powerful it will bring us nearer
To the perfect one

Monday, January 20, 2025


I understand what others want from me
But quite sadly, I haven't what they seek
This world doesn't exist for my pleasure
Not a mystery to solve, to find a treasure
We look about, pointing fingers of blame
In a moment I might die, with no name
Buried in a grave, covered and forgotten
Begging to be saved as flesh decays, rotten
Is there nothing to live for, or to achieve
All I have is gone, save for my beliefs
Where there is a joy, and I have a name

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Life has a cost, I can't afford it

I wonder about the cost of this existence
I chose to follow a dream, and I have lost
If we are meant to be happy, I'm not that
I walked through deserts and wastelands
I searched for meaning and was reminded
Life was not meant for me, but for others
Cicero was right, if you think life is a gift
Its selfish if you spend it only on yourself
Instead I've no idea the cost, only that it is
I'd one life to learn, I spent it upon despair
No one's fault but my own but still hurts
Never mind yes I know, no one even cares
That's why life is difficult, the failure burns

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Found My Cause to Fight

When I realized what it was that it felt like I knew
When I saw you again, it felt like love had bloomed
A thousand horses running across the fields, freely
Army's cadence in march, showed power sincerely
We can't know how our hearts will be moved now
We know only that if we are moved, love will tower
Over the cities and villages, all corners of a castle
A cause to fight for, if needed honorably die, in battle
You are my cause, as I saw your return from far away
Able to now know, love harvested this heart today
I bow before one, who made the moment and place
Vow my allegiance and feelings, at last I embrace

Our Lost Way

In the beginning we were free
Rejecting attempts to take away
All the values born by our birth
Fierce, independent, dangerous
But the years have changed us
We are now eager to fight
Eager to gather treasure
Eager to live for pleasure
By way of the curse
Of envy, hunger, and lust
We became Babylon
Not the Babylon of old
But of one, fully reborn
We've lost our own way
And memories of Babylon
Entered our native soul
It then paved a toxic path
Connecting us to a wrath
Well deserved and foul
Unprepared to pay the cost
Being a land dirty with sin
We must find some grace
Or we'll be forever lost

Monday, January 13, 2025

My Origins

I was broken by the world, but I rose up in the end
My body is temporary and time will always be short
I learned my personal narrative, I'm spark and clay
My life was a gift, no matter how difficult the pain
My death will be inevitable but it will not be final
As I am clay, God chose to create in me a vessel
His sacred hands chose every angle, every curve
I've received grace, something I do no deserve

Sunday, January 12, 2025

A Reason we haven't reached Mars

Wouldn't it have been a quicker path to Mars
Practicing peace not war, and learn and grow
We instead chose wealth, power, force of arms
We've been losing all of our chances to know
We'd chosen violence, not a seeking of stars
We've practiced the art of war, not upon hope
Our preference for violence will leave only scars
Forever and beyond imagination
Our children continue to pay

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Drama of the Whirlpool

There it is, the great new day, same as yesterday
Without any distinction, without meaning, a play
Curtain rise, actors and actresses take their place
Monologue, comes a monologue and a soliloquy
And the curtain falls, marking darkness and end
Comes silence of the night, the message to send
Why do we expect favor, grace, or good dreams
When our waking lives are empty, from our envy

Friday, January 10, 2025

Overcoming the Darkness

Bitterness, regret, life is filled with sorrow
But the world we live upon, offers beauty
We're fools to prefer the wounds, unhealed
Long confined in chains, when we've a key
Instead of freedom choosing to be slaves
Now to live for love, kindness and hope
Leave, if you prefer a broken former self
I need, if not deserve, forgiveness
I long to be washed in pure joy
Delving daily into a vein of pure love
And refuse to go back to the sorrow
I wish for more tomorrows and dreams
Join me, or reject me, I am ready to rise
Ascent to a place my being longs for
Elysium will be my heart's healing
Tall Grass, gentle hills, warm breezes
And the beloveds who healed me
Finding my deepest held wounds
Suddenly healed from the years
By a love that is undeserved
Grace pouring out, heals me
Allow a tired soul, to believe
Take my hand, and rise with me
Rise, for we are in need

Thursday, January 9, 2025

AD 9: Europe: Germania Frontier Black Forest Aflame with War

The trusted guide led Rome's Legions deeper into a forest
It was the Teotuburg Forest, thick and famously cherished
While he was a German, he'd achieved Roman citizenship
Named Arminius, he hated Rome, was dedicated to its fall
The Legion's commander Varus thought well of Arminius
It was a trust based upon lies, deception, and executed plan
A rising of German tribes was the cause of the Legion's acts
Varus would down the rising and calm the Germania front
Arminus had planned his ambush well, and its occurrence
A great success, many Romans dying, boundaries changed 
Changed tides of the conflict between Rome and Germania
The name of Varus was a curse used by future Emperors
Loss of three full Legions, meant changed morale and goals
Buying for a time for Germania to feel superior to Rome

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


The scene of a joyful activity
Two beings wrestling or something
On the bed of velvet electricity
Moments remembered in dream   
Coming to life in glorious birth
This one is perfection, a miracle
Fearfully and wonderfully made

Earth was, unaware of our presence
Surprised, reminded of our existence
Our earth would find our glory, yes
Found in a simple yet glorious form
We are human, and we are wonder
And our earth is worthy of our being

Earth existed for billions of years
The measure of time a human concept
True, humans had existed upon earth
Our being was seen as being an animal
Until the echo of birth, at last was heard
And humans became ascendant

Our organism, so small, unknown
Seeming to have been unimportant
Had now become the great master
For our planet is but a machine
Designed for an even greater role
Supporting and surrounding life

We live upon the single proven place
In all of the known universe and space
T'was made for creation and giving life
To explore, to find if life is the norm
Existence is a collection of beings

In every possible form, a miracle

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Mother is Wounded by her Children

Humans can't recognize her painful screams
As our Mother Earth utters her plaintive cry
We'll crush life in ocean depths, remove wild life
We'll terrorize the forest, burn all living greens
Polluting the waters, dump chemicals in her sky
We are her enemy, but are called upon as guards
Earth's atmosphere is full of permanent pollutants
That are there as we in our arrogance did not stop
Even when called on to be her stewards, at last
Not thieves of the future, not arrogant children
We are only here for a moment, but not Earth
She'll be here, after we've reached extinction
And our actions have left behind damnation
But the scars we leave behind, are forever

Monday, January 6, 2025

The Madness Swallows you

PTSD is the epitome of a kind of wound
The wound is one you'll never heal from
Flashbacks and dreams, memories of slaughter
And the torment from the wounds you endured
Things burned in your brain, darkness forever
World of darkness, capricious thoughts return
Normal life impossible, feeling utterly insane
World sees you as broken and false sympathy
But you never asked for this, chosen for pain
Give your highest hopes no chance to happen
As you begin to rise, then beaten down again
With no cure, there is only losing one's fight
While fighting the demons to the death
In between breaths, seeking the light
And being blinded by the path
That allows you to find hope
At last you are able to come
And hope burns bright

Sunday, January 5, 2025

To flee to another planet

Nuclear Weapons, Bio Warfare, Banned Chemicals
We've created many weapons, but can't cure hunger
We can consume this world, with fire in 15 minutes
We've chosen our end when its entirely unnecessary
Bullets, bombs, pandemics, can't hope for miracles
We've done it to ourselves, over and over the limits
The only answer is grace, or annihilation by robots
Or flee to another planet, with nothing but beauty
And let us start over, mindful of the things we lost
Change our behavior, start counting the final cost
Do not hesitate, the time is counting
All the dead will be uncounted
And earth will be a graveyard

Saturday, January 4, 2025

A Reason to See it as Sacred

Spartans gathered, at the front of a pass, awaiting battle
An enemy was certain to arrive, only a matter of time
A cloud of dust, a thunder of feet announced the arrival
The massive Persian army came through Thermopylae
The Greek name meant Hot Gates, to some it was holy
First the Spartans fought the Immortals, proving the lie
Eventually numbers told, as did a betrayal by a traitor
After 300 faced 120,000, it was consecrated in blood
299 died, 1 sent to tell all of Greece, the Spartans died
Thermopylae was now sacred, born anew in courage
The war for all of Greece was hard but we now knew
The cost to Persia was enormous, and now they know
No one can invade our land, and think we won't resist
For we are first Greeks, and second, we are SPARTA!

Friday, January 3, 2025

No Longer Imprisoned

I'm the burden, lost in the modern world's understanding of worth
Born of rape, judged different from the rest, I was thought a curse
But my life was redeemed in the end, I found truth in my life path
Those who abandon me, and my friendship, I will have forgotten
Better live for a perfect judge, than change for those a false wrath
I am no longer imprisoned in my mental prison, I will be free