Friday, February 28, 2025

A Thunder in my Heart

When she calls my name, I feel my heart thundering with beats
So swift, so powerful, it means I've heard the call, and she won
I've no way of resisting, she keeps persisting, my words repeat
Then when she meets my eyes, I can't disguise her full victory
She asks my interest, I respond honestly, my heart's gone wild
Abandon my ways, I'm no longer in control, in her mystery
Untamed, as she makes me aware, trapping me in all her ways
The thunder in my heart is beating, love renewed by electricity
I am in her forever gaze, and it is misery, until the day
I am with her,  and I am able to sweetly whisper, I love you

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Legacy Allowed

I was allowed to live, allowed my own legacy
But it might well not have been that I would be
My life began in an act of violence and rape
I exist, my birth mother chose to let me live
Rather than seek out a secret illegal procedure
She then bore the burden of an act of another
Due to this I had a life, given an existence
Given through adoption to a family of three
Ready to be parents again, who wanted to love
I had a great brother and a stable existence
If all had not chosen, wouldn't have bothered
I wouldn't have been born or found a family
They all overcome the choice of a rapist father
My legacy was allowed, by absolute strangers
They chose hope, and simply wanted to love

My birth family reached out in 2017.  I learned
I'd two siblings & a Birth mother who wanted
to reunite. They are now a new family to love.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Our duty was served, Lives exchanged for Victory

We were called upon to join with each other, brothers and sisters
We were honored, allowed to ride the best horses of King's Mark
We were skilled, all the horses trained by the King's Royal house
In battle we fought side by side, as scouts and as the king's guard
For heart not skills we were called to fight, surely battle left scars 
The war won, but lives lost, bodies decaying, rotten, or buried
Looking back at our lives from after life, we gave everything
We are now remembered for what was exchanged for our lives
We found victory, the Mark is safe, our kin live, anthems sing
When the after life ends, where will we go, what's left for us?

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Sacred Shadows

Arise from the earthen grave, Sacred Shadows of the past
Give us hope to save this homeland, give us your dreams
There are those who don't understand, your legacies grow
But your blood runs through us now, so our DNA is shared
Spirits of your times inspire, marking exaltations as vast

Monday, February 24, 2025

Crimson Scream

The ink bleeds red, crimson fluid screams
Metal based, mercury, releasing poetry
A hand reveals what lives in my dreams
Emotions revealed constant misery
The ink is called upon, illustrates me
We exist as mercury flows inside
We're called to bleed it out, freely
In my words, self recrimination
It flows, a righteous damnation
One drop or a million
Mercury as it becomes one
My unique being will not be free

Sunday, February 23, 2025

World Won't Survive Us

The terms of service of our planet have expired
Our use and the waste we create are a violation
Will we ever act without be coerced or bribed
We do not have a plan B place to live to escape
Cities are burning, and islands besieged by fire
Our world slowly dies, the wild is in starvation
We are dying earlier, even as our numbers rise
The planet did its best, but now to our shame
The sole provider of food, oxygen, water dies

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Unjust methods

Trapped, taken prisoner, in a different mind set
Manacled, chained to a wall, told to obey orders
My eyes are both red, being held in the tight net
Electrodes placed in my brain, by wired helmet
Brain made to burn blue in an energy of martyrs
The CIA refused each of our honest explanations
They saw us as fools while giving us zero credit
Not knowing our crime as torture overwhelms us

Friday, February 21, 2025


In a world that is too powerful for me, I couldn't make my heart endure
With her, also a knight I'd been sent on a quest to complete a task
We achieved something but my survival ended with my tears
We'd searched for our grail, found it in the mist but we weren't pure
Our path meant trusting fully  the other, our only means to survive
At the great castle where our quest began, we'd dramatically arrived
Victory banners were red with golden dragons, we were celebrated
We'd returned, our land had flourished, and now hope was alive
But while the quest was a success, we failed our greatest king
We'd broken our vows, we'd not been virtuous despite our oath
We did not deserve praise, anthems and choirs should not sing
The great quest was achieved, we were famous, but instead
We were unworthy of any of the accolades that arose
We knew, our struggle we already knew, unworthy

“The valor that struggles is better
than the weakness that endures.”
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The Last Words

I am writing my own obituary, and it is revealing
I never knew my own purpose, it feels like chaos
My memories are lost in the mist and I'm reeling
A collective of living without love, scars and loss
Gathering the events, the chapters, and dreaming
I'll spend my future someplace even more obscure
My flesh burns in cancer, and not having answers
How do I write an obituary after life with no hope
He'll be missed by all who watched his epic fall

"After the funeral everyone went away,
satisfied that they'd done a good job.”
                                  Truman Capote

Monday, February 17, 2025

Liberation from the Dragon Horde

For many centuries, we have struggled
Throwing off our chains, we have risen
The destructive overlord has discovered
Humans will not willingly be enslaved
So long we were hunted and pummeled
Despair was evident, our sorrow written
We were isolated and alone, smothered
Until by stiff resistance we were saved
War is not in our heart, but for liberation
We'd be lacking courage if never acted
Now was our restoration and celebration
Far better to fight and die
Than live as a slave
A hoard of dragons dead
The dragon survivors forced in treaty
 Their word to never ever return
Or they would be made extinct

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Love is the reason

Where's the love we'd been destined to have to received
Is it on this planet, in this life as flesh, or something else
Does it come by a transactional act or sort of a belief?
Is it fate calling your name, not by logic, it is an affect
You transform your soul, in a moment love is released
That exact time and place you are moved, changes you
From a seed planted to the orchid's bloom, love is proof

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Survivors of Curiosity, Discoverers of Destiny

I was one of twenty, Vikings and survivors
Our long boat was tossed by a winter storm
Wind shredded our sails, we took on waters
The shores we were forced upon were dark
Lands deeper in were forested, green, lush
While we did find food and took down prey
They were foreign lands, dangerous, distant
So far from our home, yet in ways similar
If we'd live and return, it could be a home
This upon red clay, in runes from learning
I keep a journal for those who might know
Vikings never give up, we live to discover
This group of Norse, Danes, and Swedes
Would never return home, but we might try
And survive long enough to be remembered
More than conquest but finding new lands
We are born from the cold and fierce blood
Protected by Thor, his winds kept us alive
To lay a claim we lift our Raven Banner
We are Vikings, children of the storm

Friday, February 14, 2025

To Love

Time has a voice and it will tell you clearly
That Romantic love has a way of happening
No matter how unique you are, or broken
One will find another, and become chosen
Love is finding one being to share existence
Exalt your lover always and with persistence
To know another, giving, with self sacrifice
February 14 is a day for some, but for others
The day is a small notion, forever is for lovers

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Dreaming without conclusion

The world around us, hums with an activity
People ask, what should be our destination
We seem to think that we want to be home
In a world of mental stagnation and hunger
Damnation is agony, boredom being alone
I know for me that solitude is comforting
Or solitude is maddening,  misery of self
The rhythm of the world is a living being
I don't my path, so I choose to sleep
In that dream my mind offers a display
The horizon far distant, golden morning
When above me, circling, is a raptor
It soars while hunting prey
I am staring upward, watching intently
When the predator finally acts
Talons and wings are ready
I am transported far away
To a small room
It will now decide my path
I can't escape, so now must wait

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Not Gone, remnant, wondering

There in the thick, the moment arising
The moon stares down on us, quietly
Day passed, Night followed, and I wait
Life brought me here, I have fear
Hope is passing, a soul compromising
Existence is a mystery, moving silently
With no observable beginning or end
Arrived at terminus and painful tears
I've hope, that it is not fully the end
But only the end of my flesh, of breath
Not of all existence, my spirit survives
So now I wait wondering, with doubts
I wonder, will my mystery be solved
Will I soon see Elysium, the tall grass
Or will I stand watching, waiting
I'm wondering my fate, with hope
Unsettled by the event of terminus
And the actuality of the moment
But I do believe there is more

Artist: Edward Hopper

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Permanence is humanity's highest state of being
Arrival is at birth, flesh the default, a beginning
Our heart seems as forever's vessel, to exist
It pumps our life's blood carries DNA, name
And once we transcend from temporary, now
We enter our forever place, spirit the final state
But blood has paid for our cost, fears are lost
End of the temporal world, replaced by grace
And forever

Monday, February 10, 2025

No Club You'd like to join

Layne, Kurt, Amy, Jimi, Jim, Mia, Janis & more
Left this life far earlier than they should have
With gifts of talent from DNA & opportunities
End up creating fame, creations, glory and fame
With unique drive, going on tour, creating beauty
They were able to soar, achieve in a realm of music
But so many artists encounter inner demons
With no hope, addictions flourished, fortunes failed
Before the eyes of the public, fame, upon the stage
Their lives collapsed, in loss of health, years & time
Kept their fame, but lost life, & all of their talents
Lost to the legacy of humanity, and their own legacy
Enormous talents lost to the future and new works

Sunday, February 9, 2025

My rotten corpse

Elders, others saw me, seeing only failure and wept
I couldn't go back to the beginning, don't remember it
My failed dreams of the past became lost in my despair
My origins were dark, more than anyone could accept
Entropy is, it exists, however swift, it begins to work
In the end it doesn't matter, once your life is dissected
With nothing of flesh left, you stop existing, or care
While others leave your cold corpse to decompose
Laughing at the dreams you had, that never arrived
The failures you could never abide, survived

Saturday, February 8, 2025

knowing my fate

Was brought into the facility, it became obvious
If I need to be lobotomized, I'll be no worse off
Our world has become addicted to many things
With our violence, lust, hunger, gems and rings
If you need me dead, send me away, as I bleed
I'll forgive you, I will count it as none the less
Thank you for releasing my body, all my being
I am finally free to speak openly to my fate
That there is only destiny, nothing called fate

Friday, February 7, 2025

The Dead Warn

An empty space is now covered in sand, and an approaching storm
No rain is falling, to be walking into the storm, then pelted by sand
A wasteland where skeletons cover the ground, having died in war
Scars remain, from a conflict for the land with no value, they warn
Warning about devotion to war, greed, pestilence, and need

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Taking Individualism and Replacing it with Obedience

The choice of idiocy by the partisan masses
Makes the world aware of the circumstances
That whatever is the path that is now chosen
Will lead to a result of a system being broken
We need to change the way policy is decided
Because a dictatorship is always misguided
Losing a future due to a desire for conformity
Destroying our individualism, remorselessly
In exchange for safety from a non existent threat

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

I am lost, left behind

We waited for redemption, from this violence, the chains of life
Our hopes were high, taught to believe without reason, while alone
We hungered for a chance to be thought beautiful or loved deeply
We longed for a savior, a messiah or messenger, to rise upon high
Nothing could save us, we're lost, our sacrifices obscure our tome
Waiting for something that never came, we called out so weakly
Our world offered many promises, with none of them fulfilled

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Dead Black Ink

I ran away from home, first moment I was all alone
With a fear of being where there's only the darkness
Solitude is horror if it only brings a poverty of time
I've nothing inside, all by my self, I've no real home
Others around me live, I live despite being a carcass
I am bleeding ink, tossing words together in rhymes
Only to be forgotten and dismembered in my mind

Monday, February 3, 2025

Inherit the Future Now

Underneath the canopy of the blue above me
I live in a tangled green beneath that view
Every moment goes until I'm too old to think
My body dies a little with every passing day
The future a child inherits is beyond all dream
For the people, the planet and powers of truth
Cannot change the unknown even on the brink
We stare into the sky and wonder if its insane
For the future isn't promised, history is proof
We have to find and embrace destiny
Fulfilling the purpose within us
It is there, we need to find it
Living it and becoming ready
For the future is a gift

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Different Hunters

They look as though they are made of how the forest looks
Organic, flexible, undefinable, silent, moving like the night
Leaping from tree branch to branch, down to the jungle floor
To kill their prey, for them it isn't simply a hunt, but survival
In human dreams, we believe we are the jungle's master, but
Slow, made of weakness, tired, our only advantage our mind
Using tools to replace the natural weapons of speed, to strike
Making them powerful, leaving us with nothing but crutches

Saturday, February 1, 2025

In that place, it is perfect

When I walk a straight line to the horizon
As flawed Oblivion is kept from my reach
All my flesh weakens as the days pass by
I fall before the reality, I am broken by life
But decay and entropy won't steal dreams
Even as the days and pain steals memory
Empathy and glory await us at the final day
For all the trials and mistakes are foreseen
Part of our education, a great mystery play
In this land of silence and peace, He is there
Where sleep is restoration, where we thrive
Memories have gone, for our world is alive
Moments become our treasure, amazing
Fear and screams will not endure, no pain
For this is paradise and is never ending
And we will no longer count the days
Before a rapturous moment triumphs
Perfecting our being, we are ready