Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Without you here, I have no desire to remain

I'd give God back all of the life I've remaining
To bring you home to me, for you to come back
And even let oblivion take me from this place
I know that isn't the way that God responds
Granting wishes because you prayerfully ask
I've lingered in the darkness and I've decayed
Becoming aware of the abstract of the beyond
I can't change a thing that's happened
I can't change how unfair life has been
I can't bring you back to earth again
But God knows
I have loved you more than words
In ways I can never hope to express
In forlorn hope I've called your name
And know that I've failed on earth
Destroying my hope with every test
Without you with me
I don't want to keep living
I hope that you will forgive me
I've not healed over the time
The truth is, I don't care
I don't want to live where you are not
It isn't my choice, God will decide
Standing in the cold rain
I am soaked through
The cold, chill, torment, remind me
Of life without you
And the cold reminds me
Of the depths of which I'm lost
I can't live another day, it is true
Without you here, without you near

“Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean, 
Tears from the depths of some d
ivine despair
Rise in the heart, and gather to the eyes, 
In looking on the happy autumn fields, 
And thinking of the days that are no more.”  Alfred Lord Tennyson