Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Final Disaster?

So little left to save them
Only hope alone offered a chance
To soar above the sky, and reach orbit
Then bouncing off the atmosphere
And dock with the crew, starving
In near space orbit, with no food, nor fuel
But a plan to catapult the salvaged tech
Building momentum, and being flung
Escaping earth gravity and fears
But there was a savage inclination
And the velocity was not enough
The arc was calculated incorrectly, fatally
It then would fall short, the disaster was clear
As the audience watching below, gasped
Feeling only horror, this was the only hope
But it was now dashed, the only chance lost
A crowd gathered about the crash site
Sifting through the remains and metals
Tears poured down, the disaster known
The species would go extinct
It could no longer endure 
Regardless of hopes
Regardless of strong belief
This was the last chance
Given every ounce of fuel left
Built the last space capable ship
For a single shot, to reach the station
Hovering in orbit, waiting now, for nothing
For there will not be a docking maneuver
Nor the last chance near space launch shot
Unless there would be miracles
And who can count upon those?