Sunday, February 24, 2008

Tall Grass

Dressed for a social outing, the children found the tall grass so beautiful.  Others might call it weeds, or simply some grain.  But a child can see purpose in the random, and can see beauty in things others ignore.  There is a perfection and glory in what they see.  They see God's hand in the core.  Every thing they know, every thing they see, comes from a place adults forget, a sin they can never repent, knowledge and wisdom for us all, has a cost far too great to portent. 

Youth is not wasted upon the young.  Innocence is lost in adults who are forced to know dark truth.  And it starts when you are but one, against all others.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Vulgar God

And there before our wide eyes we saw it
A vulgar and perverse god
Surrounded by servants
And beautiful dancing girls
He could not be satisfied
His hunger was relentless
And his anger when withheld from consuming
Beyond measure
Somehow we needed to kill him
But he was in control of everything
Here in his lair
Our wits were the only thing he didn't control
And the beauty of those dancing girls
Affected our wits by their share
This problem required a solution
That wasn't guns
But brains

Friday, February 22, 2008

Easter Island's Uglier Cousin

We spent years in flight
What could we have hoped for
But knowledge and discovery
We were broken from the time
Sleep drunk and exhausted
Bodies weak without the sun
And only artificial light
And yet
Here we are
Disaster looms
We followed the signal
It beckoned us to come
And we find artiface
Massive monolithic heads
All seem to offer doom
But instead we try
We investigate
Maybe these were fashioned
Made to give some message
But we've so few left of our number
We better find the answer

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

To Be Hung at Daybreak

Against the Czar
The leader of the revolt
Was to be hung at daybreak
An Orthodox priest offered solace
With an offer of forgiveness before death
His refusal didn't forbid receiving forgiveness
But it wouldn't come from church or sovereign
A rebel's heart need be some holy level of fearless

Monday, February 18, 2008

Revolution, no less holy

To overthrow a tyranny is to offer hope to the masses
When said plotters convene, is the gathering any less holy?
If the night before their actions, is to be their very last
Who among us should argue, this is not a Christlike ceremony?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Exploring a City within Neptune

Told that we are the only intelligent species in the galaxy was false.  Both for those species upon the earth, but even nearby.  For there are different sorts of thought, different minds, different perceptions that make us unaware of the depths of thought found in any other species who chooses to avoid our gaze.  So we were amazed, when we discovered cities built by primitives upon the moon of Neptune, that seemed to be organized, developed upon rational designs, that only accompany species with minds.  How great of fools we were.  How great of fools we are.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

To Enter a Lost World (The World of ERB)

Here at the portal, we knew our course was one that no other scientific expedition had ever attempted.  We were not arrogant, but we did, sadly believe that nothing could stop our effort.

Mineral resources, gold, and precious gems fascinate our funding and grant givers. But we sought to find what had never been experienced.
We knew there might be a whole different world waiting there.  And it was, but not the sort that our financiers nor we expected. 

In this world the dinosaurs never died, but continued to evolve into the modern age.  And our weapons presented to them no nuisance, no danger.  It seemed only to inspire rage.

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Library of the Stone Cat

There it stands
It looks upon each user
They register their name
And enter in a new world
One with reason, and holism
Fiction and poems
History and science
Where there are answers
To every question
Where knights fight dragons
And go questing
Knowledge comes in many forms
And all the while there sits a stone cat
It reminds us that we exist in a world
Only alive by the random chats
With wisdom divine, whims capricious
Magnificent paws, tails and meows
Of the daughters and sons
Of the Egyptian goddess Bast
Who slew the mice
And by that saved the grains
Of the Pharaohs
Saving knowledge
Born from ancient experience
We are in their debt

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Without you, now, I can't go on.  Why did the war happen?  Why did you have to fight?  Why did you get taken from our paradise? I've entered a place without love or hope.  My world is empty, my heart vacant, and the soul sucked from my being.  My body is cold.  My tears freeze as they fall.  And there is nothing left inside.  So cold, so frozen, so filled with hate.  I am in the valley of desolation, and there is no exit, no hope of escape.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Discovering the Depths of the Sub-Planet

In 1933 we set forth into space to stop the planet approaching earth.  We had to surrender to our hopes and to our future for the benefit of all humanity. The greatest minds had joined together, to create a force, one that might solve the existing problems with rocketry, space, and our limited knowledge of the planets and moons of our solar system.  We were not creating a warship, we had no desire to destroy or conquer any other people.  But the worst possible end beckoned, if we did not engage in and stop the cascading rogue body approaching earth.

We have made impact upon the surface, reports will follow should we survive.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Invasion Earth

They landed in a fiery crash
But the impact was not suicide
They made landfall in dramatic style
But the arrival was surreal
Machines made for war
Barely touched by human arms
The Martians had goals
To dominate
To destroy
To invade and control
But the simplest thing
Took away from their advantage
Unprepared for human virus
And the vile bacterias
That humans tolerate
Killed the Martians
And proved Earth the victor

Monday, February 11, 2008


She was unwilling to share the inheritance
But she wasn't meant to be the one to decide
She slaughtered those who might have an opinion
Her flaw was exceptional arrogance
She would commit fratricide
His power gave him familial dominion
His riches were held close to his pocket
He gave his daughter a special locket
He married a woman to be his partner
Never lovers, he was not interested in another
So Lizzie used her axe to end the question
To answer the accusations at last she was to be free
For no one of the day could ever actually see
What was presented they could not condemn
A woman who'd be wounded by incest, rape or abuse
She refused the stand, it was of no use

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Rise, Ascend, Fly

We might slow to watch a scene
Filled with catastrophic results
There we might wonder God's reign
When we see the death cults
Some resist the power of love
Others desire to create disgust
We have a moment to choose
We can celebrate goodness and honor
Or descend to bottom of the pond
We can be more than beasts
We can rise above the limits
Should we choose
The highest plane
We might find eternity
And live and love again

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

When Acquiescence Leads to Darkness

Yes I realize that there's a difference 
Between surrender and acquiescence
With one you've recognized the futility
Of your imagination and the situation
With the other you've come to agree
If you don't agree, don't force yourself 
Or you'll spend eternity wondering why
You made the bad choices and decisions
But then you decide you're ready to die
Never let a false version of you take over
Never substitute truth for a vulgar lie 

Monday, February 4, 2008

Final Holocaust

We pretend to think that it can't happen again
Simultaneously liars tell us how
It never actually happened at all
We know better however, still
So we must be vigilant
Never allow it again
To anyone
Anything similar
Should not happen in any future
We should know better  but we do not
Our memory is short
And the innocent shot
But failure is certain
If we do not remember
We will certainly do the same
For it is easy to deny
When you ignore the shame
We deserve everything we get
Human nature is something you deserve
When our future we choose to hope
Our past is composed of information
Upon which we cannot rely
Make the past Holocaust
The final Holocaust
Be vigilant against the racists
Be vigilant against those who hate
If we achieve that
Let every human be equal
Worthy of love
Worthy of care
Let there be no sequel
Of the Black March
And Hell's messengers

Friday, February 1, 2008


After centuries of war we decided
We must end war and heal the scars
We must make the world a better place
But the planet knows, so do we
We proclaim hatred of war
As we build bombs and planes
We restock guns and make more bullets
We fill the arsenal just in case
Making our goals of peace
Complete bullshit
Saying we are defending ourselves
We know full well
If we need to fight
We'll kill like everyone else
We are liars
We hate peace
We create Hell
And hope becomes dark
As the screams in the night