Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Saved for a purpose

A lifetime was spent dreaming of a different existence
I was tossed in the abyss, then fate watched me burn
I should have immediately given up hope and reason
But something in me burns like fire, and persistence
There is a hope beyond hope for the messiah's return
Despite my crude origins and being dealt with treason
Betrayal means nothing, if you have those you trust
The lifetime spent dreaming is meaningless
By having had hope that remains, lingers inside
And I still have that hope inside me, like wings
To lift me from the abyss and I was thrown a rope
Yes, all lives have meaning, all lives have worth
Saved for a reason, given grace, saved for a purpose
And still, however hot are the fires of the abyss
I will fight and survive, inside me is a resistance
I'll climb from the depths, to see the clear sky

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Raison d'Etre

What remains of a purpose, when our life has been lived and is soon over
Do we live for completion of our tasks, do we create the future for others
Why persevere, if the task is impossible to achieve, and we get no closure
Do our goals make a purpose honorable, by labors we become brothers
I stand before the chasm, our marker between life and death, and I smile
This is all that we've been promised, I can't escape it by strategy or guile
The end becomes our only means to achieve what we've built and find

"And nothing's sweeter than the fruit of one's own labors” Nikolai Gogol

Monday, December 26, 2022

No true antitode for life

The antidote for toxins is an eventual poison for our being, death
There is no solution, no cure for this existence coming to the end
Other than our own satisfaction in living or acceptance of this life
We've no awareness of the greater picture, or fragility of our flesh
If life here is precious, it's common on earth and yet nowhere else
We haven't the perspective to appreciate the miracle of our design
But life endures, in the madness of human flaws, and our nature
We must overcome the need to be violent, and honor our creator

Saturday, December 24, 2022

The Unknown Consequences

When the Gulf Stream is no longer pulled northward
By action of dynamism between warm and cold water
European weather will no longer be pleasant or warm
And those who have called out the notice, warnings
Made silent, forced to be without a voice, watching
The climate is changing, in more than temperatures
Warming and Greenhouse gases might well happen
But there are as many consequences still unforeseen
And it is the unknowns that will kill us, change us
We'll see temperatures boil upon the equator lands
And the Arctic and Antarctic will again grow ice
But beyond the obvious, the unknown is waiting
We can't plan for issues that we can't know exist
All the while, there are sides that keep debating
Endlessly asking to know what we cannot know
And for some it is to delay government action
While for others it is to prove their point


Friday, December 23, 2022

The First Martian

With our Earth at war, a last chance to dream
In a craft, fading from earth's view behind me
Retro rockets pushing the space probe aloft
My future sealed, as first man to visit Mars
Planet Earth is no longer seen, cascading
Future unknown, my life is not my own
Pray everything works well, landing soft
I hold my breath, beats held in my heart
The red sky is dark and universe fading
I plant a flag for all humanity, I know
Earth might not exist to get my message
That we've become a spacefaring race
On a planet named for a God of War
All is quiet, all is calm, and peaceful
Let the planet Earth be so blessed

“I don't know what lies ahead, but I want to
keep going forever” Fuyumi Soryo (惣領 冬実)

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Beautiful Soul, Saint Agnes

She said no she couldn't marry, for she was married to the Christ
So then people grabbed upon her and removed her flowing robe
For she must be mad to be so self righteous or perhaps foolish
To say she was Christ's alone was idolatry, she wasn't his equal
Thereupon the crowd exposed her flesh, to steal from her dignity
Then spent her days in a brothel to be used, like others will be
By a punishment she might learn to be humble, know her place
Saint Agnes was not a fool, she was not mad, only devoted
And the world has been forever mad, to think none can be
In a world of madness, what would saints need to believe

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Mourning without Shame

Excitedly run to the phone with news you would be interested in
Only to place the phone back down, begin to cry, stillness within
The tears fall without shame, you've been gone for 10 years now
But I still feel you are here, in my heart, and speaking to me still
I miss you more than I can ever express and I'm broken somehow
What remains, when the one you loved, allows you to be fulfilled
Passes beyond your reach, and life doesn't feel the same, without
So I'm mourning and there is no shame, grieving can't be tamed
10 years gone, still, I mourn your loss, I mourn your absence
The only things I have are those you gave to me, with love

10 years gone...

Sunday, December 18, 2022


The myriad of reasons and menageries of viewpoints
This world can be seen through the prism of existence
I view the world as one where all may thrive, or hope
Reasons for our labors are endless, but have purpose
Stare into a reflection, the mirror that's been cracked
I refuse fate and beg destiny, and revel in my freewill
Life is not a logic problem nor born of simple chance
I prefer a life of worthiness, not one of circumstance
To live an open life, without having secrets to keep
I'd rather be crushed, hated for a truth of my being
Than to ever be loved for a false perception of me
And the false appreciation of my ability to dream
I live among my nightmares and I refuse to sleep

“Do not be afraid; our fate
Cannot be taken from us;
it is a gift" Dante Alighieri

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Legacies and Destinies

Legacies happen for good or ill, but destiny must be forged
Fate is a lie, as if  we're not responsible for our course
Each choice has consequence, nothing is determined
Focus the mind, find your way, bear all burdens
Choices have a power to determine the future
Results depend on effort, an end isn't certain
The world doesn't ask you for permission
But it goes on, it still spins and turns
Life demands our participation
With hope, existence burns

Friday, December 16, 2022


Existence is madness, my rotting flesh serves as an asylum
To go insane in this darkness, with much to beguile within
My eyes went blind, seeing the emptiness, seeing the loss
But my flesh turned gray, in decay, my life paying the cost
I've somehow kept upon the journey, death my destination
A heart withers in a world's anger, it desires my castration
I promise that there's more to life than the single existence
And it can be found, but only with a perfect persistence

“I became insane, with long intervals
of horrible sanity.”   Edgar Allan Poe

Thursday, December 15, 2022


Sweetest ecstasy is found in your lips, the thought of makes me twist
But that's been forbidden from me, I'm broken, I miss your presence
I've walked alone since you left, I'm thirsty and hunger for your kiss
I know that the world is unkind, repulsive, and desires my absence
In your presence I find comfort, and hope, but away I am dismissed
You're the sole reason I long to exist, every moment away is torment

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Stare as Everything Burns

The flesh will answer all of the questions of life
With a cancer, the pain, and refusing to survive
Soon enough we all fade and will never return
The world changes and all of our dreams burn
Existence doesn't matter as everything shatters
Our is path lost amidst self hating and disaster
We've only chains and our unfulfilled dreams
In a desert of love with the sound of screams
As the storm wind echoes and calls our name
Live for the present and be forever untamed

“At best, you’re the untamed hero; at worst, you offend
people wherever you go.”                   墨香铜臭, 魔道祖师

To Love

To love and to then be loved
To have dreams and be dreamed of
To live with wants not only needs
To be given enough, even dreams
In reality I'm a wealthy man
You've given me all these things
You make me happy
You allow me to dream

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

No, You Failed

I called to you in the midst of a personal trial
You answered me with a form of purest denial
In great bleeding, breaking, time and torment
Under your thumb as you watch for a moment
Soon as you could attack, put a dagger in my back
You'd wanted me to beg, but that's a skill I lack
You wanted my servility, to give you pleasure
You treated me hostilely, I failed by your measure
You mistook kindness for weakness, so I'll leave
Your world will be empty, you just can't believe
Your heart is a black hole of sorrow and cold
Plague of sorrows, cloaks your heart in shadow
But there's never enough light in this world
To brighten your vision, your retinas burned
From the hate inside you and all of the shame
You'd steal one's birthright and their name
So no, you've failed, a lesson you learned

A Dream or Nightmare?

There is a horror, one of having a dream, but living a nightmare
If I do surrender, I'll neither be alive nor dead, can't even hope
The world is painted fully colored, but my life depicted in gray
My corpse will be that color, and then again, I really don't care
Mine are the dreams of a man with nothing, it makes me choke
I've lived my life, my life is fleeting, so is my desire to remain
It is fleeting, so let me live and be allowed real dreaming

Monday, December 12, 2022

I Don't Know

Did I know you in the beginning of time
The truth is, yes, I did hear your voice,
Existence is loud, vanity and modernity
I have asked, how does one really know
What is it to live and meaning of life?
I don't know really, how do I know truth
If I don't know, how do I know salvation
I need to know, all the depths of eternity
I need to know, the reason for loving me
God exists, I think he does, so I wonder
Why wonder, if I've found redemption
With so much more to know, waiting
Everything is out of reach, to discover
I must wait until I can find it, again
As I found then, in the beginning for me
I knew, when I was still wet from birth

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Not for anything I can do

Everything I do kills me, if a little, all I am will fail
All I do leads me to death, trapped in a prison of flesh
My life has been a sacrifice, bled until I've turned pale
My being broken by every single path that I've chosen
Wounded and bleeding, I give a prayer as yet unspoken
As the world surrounding me, the sharks smell blood
I can barely offer a defense, against their total flood
I've caused the walls to break, along with my heart
My being has been enslaved to the pleasures it craves
All things lead me astray, leaving my body scarred
My flesh is temporary, my spirit can be released
Even then, I've waged a losing war against sin
If I can find any forgiveness, in the body pierced
His blood can buy my release from the chains
Chains that I've placed myself in

Fresh Water

A mottled gray fox drinks water from an overflowing pool
The river was frozen, now it is freshly and quickly melting
Spring's thaw flooding the river banks, washes across fields
In the midst of sip, the fox looks up and notices something
The scent caught upon wind is of death, a corpse from Fall
The body is carrion, now bloated, grey, exposed by thaw
It will feed worms or scavengers, the cycle is complete
But the fox is just grateful for such cool water to drink
Moving along before those attracted to the dead come

Saturday, December 10, 2022


The asylum's walls are moving in, there's no shame
When that damned bottle is empty, despair remains
I'll not have that emptied liquor bottle's company
And trust me I surely know, I'll no longer be sane
Closing my eyes, a cold rain falls, in steady waves
As I remember her words, try to forget her name
All life has a rhythm, time ongoing, in perpetuity
My nightmares linger, I've no hope for dreams
I toss around in my bed, my mind refuses to sleep
My issues come from anxiety, I'm not a machine
I know I'll break and my secrets no longer keep
Despair has one whisper that everyone knows
When it whispers constantly, all fears grow

“I have hardly anything in common with
myself and should stand very quietly in
a corner, content that I can breathe.” 
                                             Franz Kafka

Friday, December 9, 2022


Consider our future and universe, from somnolence torn
Life begins with pains of birth, the wails of newborns 
A dichotomy between joy and pain, marking creation
With a vast potential for joy or emotional starvation
Fate forces us to accept consequences of choices
We shall gaze into emptiness, devoid of voices
And rise according to destiny, to build legacies
Perfectly made, in the image of the divine
There we find the roots of our divinity
There we find our ascendance

The Harvest Begins

It has been a long winter, and it hasn't even begun
My flesh is frozen blue, solid through, frigid inside
I hear them coming, imminently, wish I could run
Watching as the wolves approach, but I can't move
I'm very willing to pass from view, ready to die
If you find my corpse, celebrate, my time is done
All existence functions through the perfect circle
All things that live also die, and the world turns

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Terminus Reveals Oblivion

The void beckons all to come, now emptied of dream
In the sleep is madness, while desire comes to entropy
Beauty becomes horror, fear and the abyss are waiting
Longing for terminus, the end offers suffering, silence
Reaching for darkness, the smoke of the fires of fear
Is the cloak our flesh wears, found in complete oblivion

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The Desert of Time

The days pass like sand through fingers, a desert of time
As my memories burn with lost love and the revelations
A man of sorrow, lives are spent without our permission
The dream of tomorrow lost in nightmares of starvation
Desert winds remove sharp edges, soften a human form
We will lose our way, in the haboob, black and swirling

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

A Burning World

In a burning world, this gray flesh begins to char
In this changing planet, all love becomes scarred
If condemned to die unloved, it'll break my heart
The world afire, our collapse is near, who are we
To think that we've come this far but lost reality
We are the fallen, unchosen, and forever broken
And whatever we choose to do, it is not enough
For all our flesh and concrete will turn to dust

Sunday, December 4, 2022


Watching the winds of a storm, that can bring down walls
But they won't if they're built carefully and aim to stand
They must remain upright and ready to answer the call
Even if we're unable to perceive all dangers and threat
We must be prepared to fight, being aware and vigilant
The world might want our failure or hunger for our fall
But if we've honor, we must rise, defend the innocent
Let us raise the banner, upon the wall we'll take our place
Ready for the worst attacks, fire's smoke we'll taste
And fight for all we stand for, all we love, all we adore

The Vintage

If life has boundaries, know they aren't enforced
We'll often think that the truth is possible to find
 But we are without an objective or seeking mind
Our being will desire love, trust, feeling of worth
The journey will seem endless, no joy, only curse
With nothing left now, we've nothing left inside
Our years are a lost vintage of the finest wine
Memory fades, we are restored with new birth
The cycle renews, begins again, a cycle divine
The vineyard's vines spring to life once again
The cycle is perfect, our journey remains
Every vintage has purpose, a taste so fine

Saturday, December 3, 2022

The Truth

Your is beauty outrageous, undeniable, incomparable, new
The spirit within you is glorious, invincible and wholly true
Don't wonder why you've moved me, just know that you do

The Future Path

I was only able to survive, by your love, by your grace
Gazing into the sky, wondering if or when you'll return
I call into the echoes, my voice lost in eternity's waves
Humans shiver, cold from birth, while the world burns
Both the children of hunger and the children of greed
We are trapped by desire, forced to fulfill our needs

Friday, December 2, 2022

As I watched it burn

Hunger unleashed, I would devour everything
My dreams surreal, but the death had no sting
Presented for full consumption, I was nothing
My flesh made as a buffet, lost in the mystery
There's nothing left inside, I'm torn in misery
My mind lost imagination, blinded to inquiry
My heart's sorrows were endless, deepening
Prayed for release, I was burning my history
And live or die, I refused to choose between
Madness and disaster, life chose madness


The first voice of love I heard, still echoes in a mind's eye
The photograph, black and white, wrinkled at the edges
I long to remember, without my heart breaking, and I try
Your presence in my heart will never pass, like a treasure
Does it matter if I stopped living, without you I've died
I miss your words, only voice of support of my endeavors
You are still alive in my mind, even in dreams, you're there
Ten years and counting, when will I ever breathe again
Pain of loss remains, but I don't speak of it or share
I know that you're the only one who'd care

Thursday, December 1, 2022

I recall being loved, once

To then taste her lips
After so long waiting
And to touch her heart
After the many delays
I've longed solely
For her touch
Spent my life adrift
Anticipating her love
Oh she is my only goal
Her love is my sole desire
This love for her
Leaves my heart afire
In the heat of bodies
Closing, then together
There's a feeling there
One of a glorious forever
And when we finally kiss
I'll be freed from this life
And all that it costs
Lost in her eyes
I am aware
There's no reason
To ever be afraid
As long as she'll remain
I'll never be scared again
I recall when she loved me
But I haven't yet even met her

“You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.” William Faulkner

Ms Parks

On this day Rosa Parks said No, I will not move
Her action triggered a series of acts of resistance
Which led to society being able to see, a great task
To stop the silence, to end the chosen ignorance
Towards those in a country based upon freedom
Former slaves 100 years later and not being free


While plummeting to earth, my body achieved exhilaration
In the speed of the fall and awareness of the coming impact
The crash into the surface of the planet left my flesh broken
Intoxicated by release, the euphoric realization of my fall
I reached final descent, without fear or any pain, only joy
For in descent I was allowed that my spirit would escape
Into the flow, at last I've entered, the eternal stream