Tuesday, December 13, 2022

No, You Failed

I called to you in the midst of a personal trial
You answered me with a form of purest denial
In great bleeding, breaking, time and torment
Under your thumb as you watch for a moment
Soon as you could attack, put a dagger in my back
You'd wanted me to beg, but that's a skill I lack
You wanted my servility, to give you pleasure
You treated me hostilely, I failed by your measure
You mistook kindness for weakness, so I'll leave
Your world will be empty, you just can't believe
Your heart is a black hole of sorrow and cold
Plague of sorrows, cloaks your heart in shadow
But there's never enough light in this world
To brighten your vision, your retinas burned
From the hate inside you and all of the shame
You'd steal one's birthright and their name
So no, you've failed, a lesson you learned